


清水洋子先生(M-PEC顧問)からの激励文 (2011.09.30着信)




I'm now working at Educational Materials Production Section from the Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. too long to remember!!! The first thing I had to do in Eiken is memorize this, both in English and in Japanese, especially when answering the phone.

私は現在、(財)日本英語検定協会 (STEP)事業推進部、企画制作課に勤務しています。長すぎて覚えられな~い!ここへ移動してからまずしなければならなかったことは、この名前を英語と日本語で覚えることでした。電話応対では必須ですものね。



■M-PEC 5周年Festival,おめでとうございます。一年一年,歩みを着実に進めているM-PECの皆さまの様子を遠藤先生から伺っています。その度に、「そうだ! 私も伝える力をもっと伸ばさなくては…」と思い直し,毎日,英語の語彙を聴いて覚えながら通勤しています。「もっと伝えよう」という明確な目的を持って,辛くならず継続できる程度を良しとして学習しています。

Congratulations on the 5th Anniversary of M-PEC! I have been often heard by Mr. Endo that the members have steadily brought up the activities of M-PEC. Whenever I hear that, enlightened; “Yes! I should brush up my skill of communication, too!”, for example, I am trying to learn new vocabularies by listening CDs in a commuter train every day. I think it is better for me that the effort of brushing up my command of English does not become too hard but can be just continued.



Please remember that I am cheering you from far away who are playing active part in “Making good friends through learning English conversation” and “Learning practical English”. Yoko
