
This is beautiful!!!

■2004年5月28日、現在M-PEC顧問のMs. Yapから頂いた詩「なんと美しいことか!」です。和訳はヨッシーです。

This poem, “This is beautiful!” was presented to Yoshy on May 28th, 2004 by Ms. Yap who is now an adviser of M-PEC.


This is beautiful!


This is beautiful!!!

Moments in Life




There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!



When the door of happiness closes, another opens,

But often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one, which has been opened for us.



Don’t go for looks; they can deceive.

Don’t go for wealth; even that fades away.

Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

Find the one that makes your heart smile.






Dream what you want to dream.

Go where you want to go.

Be what you want to be,

Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.






May you have enough happiness to make you sweet.

Enough trials to make you strong,

Enough sorrow to keep you human and

Enough hope to make you happy.






The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.



The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can’t go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.



When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so at the end; you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.





2012.04.12 Blogより

Cover of CD Kenny G
Cover of CD Kenny G


A Word of Encouragement to #6 Regular General Meeting of M-PEC


■4月14日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室で、「月例講座+総会」を開催致します。

“The 6th regular meeting of M-PEC” is going to be held on Saturday, April 14th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School.



This picture is one of the cover of music CDs she presented us.


■ヤップ・ソーシー先生 (M-PEC 顧問):2012.04.12:着信

Hi, Endo-san!

Thanks for the M-PEC newsletter - it really reminded me that I have not written to you for a very very very very very long time .... I think the date I last wrote to you was the end of February ... time really flies, and now it is already April!!



How have you been? ... it is now spring and I have seen pictures in the newspaper in Malaysia announcing the hanami season .... my friends in Japan have also posted pictures of the beautiful sakura flowers in their facebook ...this is really one of the things that I miss about Japan and I am sure you must be glad spring is here - no more shovelling snow!! ... and I am sure Erie too must be very happy - she can now take long walks again ...

どうしていますか?日本では花見の季節だと、マレーシアの新聞の写真で見ました。…日本にいる私の友達たちもフェイスブックで美しい桜の写真を送ってくれています。日本が恋しくなります。春が来て嬉しいでしょうね。…もう、雪かきしなくていいですから!! エリーも嬉しいはずです。また、長い散歩ができますね。…


General Meeting of M-PEC will be coming up soon - this Saturday .... I do hope all goes well ....

Just a small gift—music for M-PEC, the shop, LL-school. You might like it.



I always look forward to hearing from you!! :-)

Take care,







2012.01.03 Blogより




Lots of my teachers and friends have given his/her responses about Yoshy’s article on a local newspaper, “Joetsu Times” on January 1st to Yoshy; there’re now 5 ones from abroad, because Yoshy wrote its translation on:HERE





just want to add that i do agree with you that learning english should be fun and that teachers should be given the flexibility of how to teach english .... i also agree with you that learning english must have a goal and a purpose, and so english should not be taught just because it is a global language ... finally, it is true - teaching is learning - you and i both know that no matter how many years we have taught english, we are still learning every day, every year, and we have to keep learning and changing ourselves, so that we can change the students we teach ...

congratulations on your article .... you had many fine points there ... i hope you had good response to your article :-) ....



ちょっと付け加えたいことがあるの。英語を学ぶことが楽しいってことと、教師は英語指導法に対してもっと柔軟である方が良いというあなたの意見に賛成です。それから、英語学習には必ず到達点と目的が不可欠だという意見にも賛成ですし、結局は「教えることは学ぶこと」ですね。- あなたも私も分かっていることだけど、私達はこれほど長く英語を教えてきているけれど、毎日、毎年私達は学び続けてきているし、私達の教え子を成長させたくて、自分自身に挑戦の毎日ですものね。






1996.08 LL Last Summer Camp in Ikeno-Taira
1996.08 LL Last Summer Camp in Ikeno-Taira

ヤップ・ソーシー顧問からの激励文 for M-PEC Festival (2011/11/20th)



(2011年10月現在)マレーシア、クアラルンプールの高校で英語教師24年目。クアラルンプールの大学工学部で、英語の非常勤講師。同時に高校英語教師の育成に従事。社会科学修士号、教育学修士号、科学修士号(組織伝達学)。日本への国費奨学留学3回:①三重県での3ヶ月間学会。②上教大で3年間教育学修士取得。③上教大で3ヶ月間教育学修士取得後の学術調査研究。2007年1月より5ヶ月間、Kent State University in Ohio, USAにUSA政府の招待留学。【1996年の上教大留学時、LL Summer CampとLL Speech Contest校内大会審査に参加:遠藤とはそれ以来の友人。】

English teacher for 24 years, teaching English in a high school in Kuala Lumpur. Working as a part-time English tutor in the Engineering Faculty in one of the universities in Kuala Lumpur. Also involving in training high school English teachers. Degree in Social Science. A diploma in Education. Master's in Education. Master's of Science (Corporate Communications) Was awarded 3 scholarships to Japan - once in 1991 for a 3-month Forum in Mie, a 3-yr scholarship to do a Master's in Education and then another 3-month scholarship to do a post-Master's research program. A student sent to Kent State University, Ohio in USA by the government of USA for 5 months from January, 2007.【When she was staying JUEN for studying in 1996, she joined LL Summer Camp and LL Speech Contest Interclass as a judge. She has been one of my best friends since then.】


■2011/ 10月15日に着信しました。ご紹介いたします。

One of Yoshy’s best friends, Ms. Yap Socy’s special message got to Yoshy by e-mail on Saturday, October 15th. Let me introduce hers as follows.


■I am told that this year is the 5th anniversary of M-PEC. Time certainly flies and I must say how impressed I am that the M-PEC idea has come this far. M-PEC was the dream and vision of one man- Endo-san, a man with a great love for the English Language, a man who wanted to share the joys of learning English with the people around him. The success of M-PEC would not have been possible without the support of friends and people in the neighborhood. I have been following the activities of M-PEC closely and I must say what a terrific job Endo-san and Reiko-san have done - they have continued with the activities whether the attendance to the meetings have been big or small. They constantly come up with new and fresh ideas for activities. I am glad that because of what they do, the world around them is now much brighter and happier because of the joy they share with those around them. Thank you. Socy



今年はM-PEC5周年なのですね。時の経つのは早いものです。M-PEC理念がここまで長く続いてこられたことに感動を禁じえません。M-PECは、一人の男性、遠藤さんの夢と展望でした。英語という言語に深い愛情を持った男性ですし、彼の周りの人々に英語を学ぶ喜びを分かち合おうとする方です。M-PECの成功は彼の友人や近隣の方々の支えなしでは決して実現するものではありません。私はM-PECの活動を身近で見守ってきていますから、遠藤さんと礼子さんがどれほどすばらしいお仕事をなさって来られたか驚かざるをえません- 毎月の講座への出席が多くても少なくても休みことなく続けてきておられます。お二人は常に、英語活動への新しく新鮮なアイデアを生み出しておられます。M-PECの皆様がなさっておられることが皆様の周りの世界に広がって、どんどん輝き、幸せになっておられることを実感できてとても嬉しいです。ありがとうございます。ソーシー