



AM, Sunday, September 9th, Yoshy and R visited Ms. Reiko Tojo who is one of Supporters of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) at her Studio Zero.


11月18日(日)の 「第6回M-PECフェスティバル」の打ち合わせと、「英語劇:はね馬」の「背景画」制作の助言をいただくためでした。

The reason we visited her was to discuss about “The 6th M-PEC Festival” on Sunday, November 18th and to be given her advice about painting “the back scene of English Drama: Hane-Uma, Prancer”.



Though she was working, she was very kind enough to suggest us “how to draw four seasons in one scene”.



PM, from 4:00 to 5:30, the 4th practicing of “LL English Drama, Belling the Cat” was done at LL Shihoya Arai School.



“Activities and their pronunciations” of nine mice and two cats were step by step coincided with today.



Yoshy is happy the cast have been doing their best.



“Belling the Cat” is going to be held at “The 35th LL Speech Contest Interclass for Elementary School Students” at Kin-ken Center on Sunday, October 7th.