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Trivia about E&J:英語と日本語の雑学

☚Koharu taken on Nov. 10th, 2018

The Recent Yoshy’s © Websites for Language Instructors of English: 英語教師用お宝サイトご参照

M-PEC講座記録 (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE

「小学校英語の今後・20話:上越タイムス連載 (完成)」⇒ Click HERE

「百人一首英訳 (完成)、いろはかるた英訳 (完成)、等」⇒ Click HERE.

「野球英語・147 (完成)、等」⇒ Click HERE.

「掲示標識英語 (継続中)、場所の英語 (編集中)、等」⇒ Click HERE.

AUKラジオ講座Yoshy’s English Corner 276 (完成) 」⇒ Click HERE.

RAM: Rees Family’s Amazing Mission (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE.

TBW: Tim Beebe’s Haiku World (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE.


「山下佳恵先生詩集英訳 (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE.

You can read lots of trivia in the bloc above: Yusen Broadcasting; more trivia are being added since 2013.06.05. 上段ブロック:「新井有線放送」に追加したい雑学!

「オノマトペ」ってなんだ? What's "Onomatope" on earth?

2013.06.15 (Sat)

「オノマトペ」って、なんだ?:What is on earth “Onomatope”?



On Wednesday, June 12th, Yoshy by chance watched a TV program of NHK whose headline was “Onomatope is quickly increasing.” with considerable interest.




“What is the word, ‘Onomatope’ on the earth?” … after watching a short while, Yoshy noticed that someone Japanese made it by shortening “Onomatopoeia” on his own will.




In Yoshy’s latest Blog, the word of “gooey” was shown in a recitation of LL Speech Contest, “I Love Dango!”, wasn’t it?




After watching the program; I imagined I could change that expression: “They are chewy.” into “kuchakucha: chewy”, I felt “zokuzoku: ”a thrill a lot.




You know, onomatopoeia words in the language of English are more difficult to increase than Japanese.




Yoshy thinks the reason is that there is rarely a macron, but no long sound letter, like “―” in Japanese. Another reason is that there is no “voiced consonant letters” in English.





A message below was found in “Chabby’s Chatting” on January 16th. (URL is above.)


雪が「もかもか」降っています。なんだか可愛らしい言葉! 方言なんですって。長岡では「もさもさ」が近い言葉でしょうか。言葉は違うけれどなんとなく理解できてしまうのが、おもしろいです。「雪がもかもか降っています。」、「雪がしんしん降っています。」この違いを英語で伝えるのは難しそうです。日本特有の細かな表現なのでしょうか。

Snow is “moka-moka” falling. This expression sounds cute for me! I heard it was a dialect of Yoshy’s country. In Nagaoka, “mosa-mosa” might be close to it, I guess. Though such expressions are different, we can easily understand their feelings, which is some interest in Japanese language. … It seems difficult to tell the difference between these adverbs “moka-moka” and “shin-shin”. Are these ones of Japanese characteristic and fine expressions?



生意気なヨッシーが、トライしてみました!(a)=「雪がもかもか (もさもさ)降っています。」、(b)=「雪が夜中にしんしんと降っています。」…いかがでしょうか、チャビーさま?

Impudent Yoshy is trying to translate them! (a) = “It is snowing thick and softly.” (b)= “It is snowing thick and fast in the middle of night.” Hum… How about these, Ms. Chabby?