関 脩先生 (1932:S.07.04.29~2011:H.23.10.19:ご命日)の「ご自筆書簡」編集中!


Since the main aim of this work is introducing “His World written in Beautiful Japanese”, let me almost omit Yoshy’s translations in principle. His private description is omitted, indicated as “an omission”, etc.

2013.01.18(金):編集開始:追加中 帯タイトルの日付はご発信日です。

2007.08.11:俳句、ご自筆絵葉書 008 from Yoshy's Blog on 2014.06.01


This picture was taken from the west-side of Culture Hall on Saturday, May 31st. This scenery is rather different from last year’s one.




The second is the last year's one taken on June 24th, 2013.



私たちの良い思い出だけは変わりません。関 脩先生の思い出も。… 2013年12月27日以来やっと7回目の更新です。

Only our good memories never change. The late Mr. Osamu Seki’s never do, either. Time really flies! The 7th edition from his letters has at last been updated since December 27th, 2013.




I have *become highly tempted to touch his usage of “language of Japanese full of grace”. It sure is true that such SNSs or digital ways of information as Twitter, Line, Facebook, *flooded pictograms are convenient and interesting for those who think “to make people understand quickly, easily and cutely”; but that sometimes makes me boring.

*become highly tempted to~:無性に~したくなる *flooded pictograms:氾濫する絵文字 





≪ 以下は、関先生のお言葉(公開可能箇所のみ抜粋、漢字の読み方と英訳はヨッシー)≫


≪His words are as written below. (Some part able to be opened to public is abstracted. How to read Chinese characters and translation into English are attributed to Yoshy.)≫




We have extremely hot days though the beginning day of autumn passed; such a calendrical day seems to be just *larky.





Being weary of *scorching sun, what I can do is only being *stuck in my house

*scorching~:猛烈に暑い *stuck:stickの過去、過去分詞:動かない 





Although I am always trying to fight against myself, thinking to myself that there should be another better way; what I at last did was passing the time drawing this poor picture like a frame of a childish cartoon.



≪「ご自作の絵(プリント)と俳句」:His Picture (printed) and Haiku-poem≫


「処女峰の白衣まぶしく緑野映ゆ」をさむ (しょじょほうの・びゃくえまぶしく・りょくやはゆ)


The *divine virgin-crest with white robe is too shining

To keep watching.

However, how beautiful this green field is!

It is spreading in front of me, a small human.




(2007年6月7日 スイス・ヴェンゲンにて、ユングフラウから左へメンヒ・アイガーを望む:2001年6月の旅を思い起こして)

(On June 7th, 2007 at Wengen, Switzerland. This *swept mountains are from the right: Jungfrau = 4,148 m, Monch = 4,107 m and Eiger = 3,970 m. I drew this recalling my trip there in June, 2001.)



≪写真はフリー画像より:The last picture is from Free-pictures.≫

2007.11.17:便箋+俳句写真・葉書 007

「即興俳句」:Improvised Haiku-poems


「秋の陽に今昔偲ぶ聖扉かな」をさむ (あきのひに・こんじゃくしのぶ・せいひかな)

(2007年9月25日 ローマ・ヴァチカンにて)


<ヨッシーの英訳:Yoshy’s translation>

“Under autumn-sunshine, I am deeply struck the effects of time standing in front of Holy Gate.” By Osamu

(He made this at Vatican, Rome on 2007.9.25th)



「古へをいかに思ふや錦着て」をさむ (いにしえを・いかにおもうや・にしききて)

(2007年9月26日 ポンペイにて)


<ヨッシーの英訳:Yoshy’s translation>

“How could I imagine such old days? This neat and tidy man’s imagination can never reach them, no matter how much I try to do!” By Osamu

(He made this at Pompeii, Italy on 2007.9.26th)


<前略> <Omitting Introduction>




<中略> <Snip>



You wrote the following words in your letter this time that “Something like such a desire as to make myself famous or to be rich is keeping giving me weary pain.” However, …


<中略> <Snip>



I hope you won’t be vacillate but at once forget such a useless *perplexity *in a fit of rage temper and obey your own original passion, hoping you should be *devoted to your present jobs since your first purpose.

<perplexity:当惑> <a fit of rage temper:憤然とする気分:憤然と> <be devoted to~:~に専念する>


<中略> <Snip>



Reviewing my trip to Italy this time, lots of things in there *renewed my *awareness of the *engagement of world of humans with current of the times. Then, let me show you two pictures I took there.

<renew~:~を再認識さす> <awareness:意識> <engagement:誓約、婚約、絡み合い>


<後略> <Omitting the latter half>

2007.08.11:俳句写真・葉書 006

2007.05.30:俳句写真・葉書 005

「即興俳句」:Impromptu Haiku-poem




<ヨッシーの英訳:Yoshy’s translation>

How beautiful Mt. Fuji, a lake and occasional calls of a lessor cuckoo are; during driving on the road of Hakone-hill!


<前略> 先日、好天に誘われ、箱根をドライブしました折、小生も初めて通った富士見峠で、いかにも初夏らしい絶景に逢い、ついカメラを向け、即吟を得ましたのでご笑覧に入れます。この情景が先生の未来にもつながるよう心からお祈り申し上げて…。お元気でご活躍下さい。匆々

2007.01.01:賀状 004

和歌:「初日の常盤なす」2007 (H.19)年賀状

Edition 004:「お年賀状」:New Year’s Card Sent to Yoshy on 2007.01.01



<和文解説>:Translation of old-fashioned Japanese expressions into current Japanese:

・「ひむがしに」:東に:to the east・「をがむ」:拝む:worship・「はつひ」:初日:the sunrise on New Year’s Day・「ときは」:常盤:永久不変なこと、常に変わらない岩:everlasting rocks・「よはひ」:齢:age・「くもゐのみね」:雲居の峰:雲がたなびく富士の山:A Cloud lies over the top of Mt. Fuji. ・「ひのと」:丁:火の弟 (十干『甲・乙・丙・丁・戊・己・庚・辛・壬・癸』の第4番目)・「ゐ」:亥、猪(十二支『子・丑・寅・卯・辰・巳・午・未・申・酉・戌・亥』の第12番目)


<口語解釈>:Yoshy’s translation into current Japanese:



<英訳>:Yoshy’s translation into English:

The shining rising sun from the east I am worshiping looks like something sublime and everlasting. I hope my new age lying behind a cloud on the top of Mt. Fuji will also shine this year!

2006.09.23:便箋+俳句写真同封 003

2006.09.24 第29回LL Speech Contest + 英語劇「金のガチョウ」
2006.09.24 第29回LL Speech Contest + 英語劇「金のガチョウ」




(関 脩先生の句:ヨッシー英訳)

Covered with all green, a master’s languor in this hermitage would have gone away.









2006.11.07:絵葉書 002








After my rebuking in the meeting, my lips are still trembling like a typhoon.

・rebuke:vt 譴責する、阻止する・lips:n 唇・野分:n typhoon

2006.10.24:葉書 001

2006.10.24 posted
2006.10.24 posted

関 脩先生 (1932:S.07.04.29~2011:H.23.10.19)の「ご自筆書簡」編集中!001

Yoshy has started editing or rearranging the letters from the late Mr. Seki Osamu to Yoshy since Friday, 2013.01.18.



Since the main aim of this work is introducing “His World written in Beautiful Japanese”, let me almost omit Yoshy’s translations in principle.



Edition 001:「直筆葉書」:Postcard Sent to Yoshy on 2006.10.24






It is very natural that the earnest somebody, teachers in particular become nervous whenever he/she tries to demonstrate his/her best prowess before his/her students.

故・関 脩先生「ご自筆書簡」

関 脩先生・ご自筆書簡:編集に当たって by 遠藤由明


関 脩先生 (1932:S.07.04.29~2011:H.23.10.19)から私への「ご自筆書簡」の編集を始めました。

Yoshy has started editing or rearranging the letters from the late Mr. Seki Osamu to Yoshy.



Since the main aim of this work is learning “His World written in Japanese”, let me omit Yoshy’s translations in principle.


遺稿集発行者代表の志熊様 (聖光学院一期生)とのお約束を守りたいだけでなく、古典、漢文から現代国語に到る「日本語の大家」、「作家」としての「緻密で博識な文章作法」を学ばせて頂ける好機でもあります。

Yoshy is very happy to get a special opportunity of not only to fulfill my pledge to Mr. Shiguma (a member of the inaugural class of Seiko-Gakuin), but also for my learning “His elaborate and erudite way of writing Japanese”; he was one of “great experts of the language of Japanese, from classics including Chinese ones to modern ones, and writers”



And Yoshy is happy to be able to come back to our past memories and to be able to come in touch with his reliable and gentle character through reading between the lines.



He presented Yoshy his letters and postcards whose numbers are maybe over 100 though I’ve never counted them.



BTW, as they are all “His Private Letters”, the part of his privacy must be omitted, of course.





「邂逅の妙を思いて」:関先生遺稿集は、「聖光学院・関 脩先生遺稿集刊行委員会」が、ご命日に間に合うように、2012.10.19に発行されました。302頁の圧巻です。先生と小生とのe-mail書簡の一部も掲載されています。



関 脩先生を悼む by 遠藤由明 <From Blog 2011.11.11>


関 脩先生が、10月19日、悪性リンパ腫でご逝去されました。先生は、私の偉大な師であり、M-PEC顧問でもありました。日本の歴史、古典に精通しておられたのみならず有名な作家でもあられました。私達にとっては、「日本の文化を英語で紹介」する活動にとって貴重な先達(せんだつ)でした。

Mr. Osamu Seki, one of Yoshy’s great teachers and an Advisor of M-PEC passed away from malignant lymph tumor in his bed of a hospital on October 19th, 2011. He was not only well informed about Japanese history and classics, but also a famous novelist. I. e. He was, for us, an intelligent guide indeed whenever we needed to learn “the way of introducing Japanese culture in English”.



According to his wife’s letter to me, he was repeatedly telling her “I was happy that I could be one of his friends as an owner of LL English School” furthermore, “I’m writing to Mr. Endo on the way to the end. …” – Probably the letter must be “Encouraging Message to the 5th M-PEC Festival”, Yoshy believes.