故・関 脩先生からの「ご直筆書簡」編集に当たって

関 脩先生・ご自筆書簡:編集に当たって by 遠藤由明


関 脩先生 (1932:S.07.04.29~2011:H.23.10.19)から私への「ご自筆書簡」の編集を始めました。

Yoshy has started editing or rearranging the letters from the late Mr. Seki Osamu to Yoshy.




Since the main aim of this work is learning “His World written in Japanese”, let me omit Yoshy’s translations in principle.



遺稿集発行者代表の志熊様 (聖光学院一期生)とのお約束を守りたいだけでなく、古典、漢文から現代国語に到る「日本語の大家」、「作家」としての「緻密で博識な文章作法」を学ばせて頂ける好機でもあります。

Yoshy is very happy to get a special opportunity of not only to fulfill my pledge to Mr. Shiguma (a member of the inaugural class of Seiko-Gakuin), but also for my learning “His elaborate and erudite way of writing Japanese”; he was one of “great experts of the language of Japanese, from classics including Chinese ones to modern ones, and writers”




And Yoshy is happy to be able to come back to our past memories and to be able to come in touch with his reliable and gentle character through reading between the lines.




He presented Yoshy his letters and postcards whose numbers are maybe over 100 though I’ve never counted them.



BTW, as they are all “His Private Letters”, the part of his privacy must be omitted, of course.



慎重かつ丁寧に公開致しますので、編集完成は2~3年後になると思います。「日本語:国語」にご興味のある皆様、時々、www.shihoya.com 又は、http://pub.ne.jp/MPEC/ をクリックなさってください。




「邂逅の妙を思いて」:関先生遺稿集は、「聖光学院・関 脩先生遺稿集刊行委員会」が、ご命日に間に合うように、2012.10.19に発行されました。302頁の圧巻です。先生と小生とのe-mail書簡の一部も掲載されています。



関 脩先生を悼む by 遠藤由明 <From Blog 2011.11.11>


関 脩先生が、10月19日、悪性リンパ腫でご逝去されました。先生は、私の偉大な師であり、M-PEC顧問でもありました。日本の歴史、古典に精通しておられたのみならず有名な作家でもあられました。私達にとっては、「日本の文化を英語で紹介」する活動にとって貴重な先達(せんだつ)でした。

Mr. Osamu Seki, one of Yoshy’s great teachers and an Advisor of M-PEC passed away from malignant lymph tumor in his bed of a hospital on October 19th, 2011. He was not only well informed about Japanese history and classics, but also a famous novelist. I. e. He was, for us, an intelligent guide indeed whenever we needed to learn “the way of introducing Japanese culture in English”.




According to his wife’s letter to me, he was repeatedly telling her “I was happy that I could be one of his friends as an owner of LL English School” furthermore, “I’m writing to Mr. Endo on the way to the end. …” – Probably the letter must be “Encouraging Message to the 5th M-PEC Festival”, Yoshy believes.