To save the capacity of this site hoping you will click:HERE:ここを
What’s up, dear my friends? : 新型コロナ、花粉、雪の残骸と膨らみかけている桜、賑やかに「猫の恋」が始まりました. ご自愛下さい. Covid-19, flying pollen, lots of small heaps of snow-wreckage and growing buds of cherry trees … “Noisy love of crows and cats” begins around here. Take care of your health.
The 162nd M-PEC月例講座:3月20日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 162nd YEA on Mar 20th (Sat)
どなたも大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません.毎回の資料代= 3,000円 (税込み)
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
3月20日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 162nd M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:♥ご出席のご返事は、3月18日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, March 20th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. ♥Please reply to confirm your participation by March 18th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “Kiss of Fire” Song by Georgia Gibbs:ジョージア・ギブスの「火の接吻」
<4aa:「青色のスプレイ」by 守山繁様より; via 文芸妙高39号>
Yoshy’s note: 私の大好きなアルゼンティンタンゴ、「エルチョクロ」の文字が、私に火をつけました. ^^; The word, “El Choclo” put the fire inside me burning.
なお、ペンネーム:守山繁様は、「花咲く丘の高校生(1,100円:税込)」の作者でいらっしゃいます.「文芸妙高(1,200円:税込)」共々、志保屋書店にございます. 更に、「百人一首英訳」のご指導を頂きました. ⇒ Click HERE.
<4ab: Part of this song-sheet, Kiss of Fire; 和訳©遠藤由明>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 028”:掲示クイズNo. 028
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
“What’s up?”の意味はどれ?
A: 「そちらの天気は?」, B: 「そちらからの景色は?」 , C: 「そちらの調子は?」
<4b: “What’s up, Clyde?”「クライド、どう調子は?」From U.S. Department of Defense >
答え:C: 「そちらの調子は?」
“How are you?”や、“How are you doing?”と同義ですが、友人間で使う “How’s it?”, “Howdy!”、“Hi!”のような、軽いタッチの挨拶です.
(3) “Find many countries on Odyssei”:「標準米語を使って、国をたくさん見つけましょう!」
<4c: “Talking Globe, Odyssey; From LL Shihoya Arai School>
Ex. 3 words Hints … “Civil war,”, “Aung San Suu Kyi [aʊŋ ˌsɑːn suː ˈtʃiː] ”, “next to Thailand” (内戦、アウンサンスーチー、タイの隣国)➡ Myanmar [mjάːnmɑɚ] (ミャンマー)
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その12
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 9 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “Visconti, Sergio Garfagnoli, Andresen of Death in Venice” by Unknown photographer – via Wikipedia>
Best wishes, Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo) http://mpec.blog.fc2.com/
Hi, how are you? Covid, Snow, Earthquakes … but “Tomorrow is always fresh.” – Montgomery wrote in her Book, “Anne of GG.” Take care.
<1a: 昭和27年(西暦1952年)当時の、縣立新井農商學校 (現:新井高校): Ex-Arai Senior High School; Taken in Showa 27 (Ad 1952)>
<1c: 昭和27年(西暦1952年) 4月:手塚治虫氏の「鉄腕アトム」が、雑誌「少年」(光文社)に連載開始:“The cover from ‘Astro Boy’ volume 8 from the Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works edition. ; From Wikipedia>
The 161th M-PEC月例講座:2月20日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 161st YEA on Feb 20th (Sat)
n the 3rd Saturday every month.
2月20日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 161st M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
♥ご出席のご返事は、2月18日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, Feb 20th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. ♥Please reply to confirm your participation by Feb 18th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
M-PEC講座ご案内&記録 (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “Roll Over Beethoven” by Chuck Berry:チャック・ベリーの「直訳:ベートーベンを引っ繰り返せ!」<4a: Part of this song-sheet>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 027”:掲示クイズNo. 027
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
(3) “Happy Dolls’ Festival or Girls’ Festival”:「ひな祭りにちなんだゲームなど」
<4cb: “Let’s Make Kimono by Ori-gami!”>「折り紙を使って、英語で着物を作ろう!➡ 外国友人に紹介しましょう!」
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より国内旅行外国人と仲良く編 Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"
<4d: ご参考FYI: “Welcome to Myoko”; From City of Myoko>
<4e: ご参考FYI: “池の平、Family in Myokoでの第22回(Last since 1975)LL Summer School” on Aug 17-18, 1996>
Thanks for reading this. Best, Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo) 遠藤由明
Blog: http://mpec.blog.fc2.com/ HP: www.shihoya.com.
Quiz: Quick-Answer from Trendy Words:
キャッチコピー(和製英語) (-.-) 流行語クイズ
セールスコピー(sales copy):邪魔なあいつを「ブレイクスルー: breakthroughして、彼氏をゲット」って何?
答えは、すぐ下に!:Answer is right under here!
ヒントFYI + Hints: “The Light Will
Breakthrough – Explored「光線が雲間を突破. -侵入 」” by stewartbaird Taken on April 21, 2012 in New Zealand: via Flickr>
*“break through”:(idiom):押し通す、突破する
*“breakthrough”:(un) 打開、突破
<3ba: Tags: image, bud, break through, nature, wild life, etc.: From PxHere>
<3bb: “*Shame on him「騙されたあいつがお馬鹿さん(和訳:遠藤由明)」”: By Tara Sivec, From Goodreads>
*“shame on ~”:~の面汚し {Ex. “Shame on you!”:恥を知れ!}
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
❓Quiz: クイズ <英検3級レベル>
1月16日(土)の、M-PEC activities の一つをご紹介.
Let me introduce one of the latest M-PEC activities here.
Which picture (From A to K) is corresponded with “each English explanation, from ① to ⑩”?
① “Well, I’ll take a walk with this kid.”
② “There seems to be something on my head.”
③ “Slurp … how good this tree-nectar is!”
④ “Eat a lot, babies. Look! Many worms there, too.”
⑤ “I can take the shape of a chicken-shaped bus.”
⑥ “Look! I’ve caught a boy.”
⑦ “Shiver … I have a bad hunch behind.”
⑧ “Baby, never catch a cold. I’ll cover your neck with a blanket.”
⑨ “Let’s sit here in line. Never make this kid go down the wrong path.”
⑩ “Hey, Bambi, you can’t love me. I’m a human.”
<4a: Yoshy’s original quiz: “Explain one picture- Touch it!”>
① - E: “Well, I’ll take a walk with this kid.”
② - G: “There seems to be something on my head.”
③ - K: “Slurp … how good this tree-nectar is!”
④ - I: “Eat a lot, babies. Look! Many worms there, too.”
「沢山お食べ. 向こうにもいっぱい蚯蚓(みみず)がいるわよ~.」
⑤ - D: “I can take the shape of a chicken-shaped bus in Halloween.”
⑥ - F: “Look! I’ve caught a boy.”
⑦ - A: “Shiver … I have a bad hunch behind.”
「ぞくっ、後ろに何かいるような. 嫌な予感が.」
⑧ - J: “Baby, never catch a cold. I’ll cover your neck with a blanket.”
「坊や、そんな恰好じゃ風邪ひくわよ. 首まで毛布、掛けてあげるよ.」
⑨ - C: “Let’s sit here in line. Never make this kid go down the wrong path.”
「さぁ、並べ. この子を悪の道から救うのだ.」
⑩ - H: “Hey, Bambi, you can’t love me. I’m a human.”
「ねぇ、バンビちゃん、迫らないで. 僕、人間だよ~.」
The followings are additional presents. “Abnormal the 36th President’s Inauguration is Coming soon.”
<9a: “Even though they are guilty …「この人達は有罪だとしても …」”From *Federalist>
*Federalist [ˈfedɜ:ʌlɪst]:南北戦争時代の北部連盟主義者
“White Jesus is the most important tool of supremacy [sʊpréməsi].”
<9b: Poster by Autor: U. Gellermann: via DEMOKRATISCH – LINKS >
The 160th M-PEC月例講座:1月16日(土)ご案内:Announcement: the 160th YEA on Jan 16th (Sat)
How are you? I’m fighting against heavy snow. Wishing you healthy and having a good 2021!
🙇The year of 2021 is the 15th Anniversary of M-PEC! 2021年度はお陰様で15周年!
(講座の1週間前までにブログや下記のサイトで)、活動過去記録等のご紹介は、Information of YEA : Yoshy’s Monthly English Activity, Records of “M-PEC” ( + Advance Billing is going to be written by a week before the DAY in both this Blog and the site below.), etc.: by clicking:Here:ここをクリックなさってください。
どなたも大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません.毎回の資料代= 3,000円 (税込み)
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
1月16日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 160th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:♥ご出席のご返事は、1月14日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, Jan 16th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. ♥Please reply to confirm your participation by Jan 14th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) Activities associated with Happy New Year”:「賀正にちなんだゲーム、アクティビティなど」
<4b: 例「クイズ合戦」:Battle of Q-As>
誰かが、誰かに、この画像を1分以内で、英語で説明します. 当たるかな?
Someone explain one picture of these within one minute, another or the others guess and touch it as soon as possible.
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 026”:掲示クイズNo. 026
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
(3)♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “All By Myself” by Eric Carmen:エリック・カルメンの「オールバイマイセルフ」
<4c: “(L-R) Eric Carmen, Diane Warren, and Tommy Page” Taken circa 1991 by Louise Palanker; via Wikimedia Commons>
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その10
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 10 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “Coronavirus mondial「世界を巻き込むコロナウイルス」” Uploaded on 9 March 2020 by LLs; via Wikimedia Commons>
YEA is held on the 3rd Saturday every month. Best, Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
How are you, dear friends; around here we’ve got the first snow on Dec 14th. Hoping you won’t get infected with Covid-19 and will be healthy! Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
Announcement: the 159th YEA on Dec 19th (Sat)
🙇The year of 2021 is the 15th Anniversary of M-PEC! 2021年度はお陰様で15周年!
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “Never Gonna Fall In Love Again” by Eric Carmen:エリック・カルメンの「邦名:恋にノータッチ」
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 026”:掲示クイズNo. 026
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4ba: “Which shirt do you want?”「どのシャツがほしいの?」via LL-Text of GC-4 From Foundation Japan LL Education Center>
答え:<4bb: I want “the shirt at the left end on the top shelf”.; From Ditto>
(3) “Happy Xmas Activities”:「クリスマスにちなんだゲームなど」
<4c: ご参考FYI: “Tags: Child, Santa, night, reindeer, train, snow”; From Pixabay>
<Example> ♦Tags を参考に、思いつく英文を作ってみましょう!
♥“Wait! I’m here. Come back, Santa!”「待って~!サンタさん、戻って!」 /
♥ “Thank you for giving me one reindeer.”「馴鹿(となかい)を1頭下さって、ありがとう!」
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その10
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 9 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “Rosalynn Carter (ロザリン・カーター:the 39th US President: Jimmy Carter’s wife: First Lady of the United States = FLOTUS) Touring the White House Christmas Decorations with her Grandchildren, Sarah and Jason Carter” Taken 15/12/1980 at White House; From The U.S. National Archives”
<Example> ♦あなたが、ここ(ホワイトハウス:大統領府)に招かれたら、だれに、どんなお話をしますか? If you were invited here, what would you say to each?
The 158th M-PEC月例講座:11月21日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 158th YEA on Nov 21st (Sat)
YEA is held on the 3rd Saturday every month.
どなたも大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません.毎回の資料代= 3,000円 (税込み)
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
11月21日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 158th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:♥ご出席のご返事は、11月19日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, Nov 21st from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. ♥Please reply to confirm your participation by Nov 19th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
When it comes to the number of 10 and over M-PEC students will constantly join us, as I had promised you, “an English Play for Myoko Citizens” sure will be performed!
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “Rock & Roll Love Letter” by The Bay City Rollers:ベイシティローラーズの「ロックンロール・ラブレター」
<4a: Part of this song-sheet>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 025”:掲示クイズNo. 025
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4b: “Lucille Ball Quote” From Pixy.org>
<Example> “I’d rather regret ...”:「… を後悔したい」のは、「A: やってしまったこと、B: まだやっていないこと」どっち?
答え: A 1:和訳:「安全で退屈な道より、棄権だけれどエキサイティングなことをして後悔する方が、私は、好きよ.」高品位お笑い芸術家らしい金言!
(3) “Happy Xmas Activities”:「クリスマスにちなんだゲームなど」
<4c: ご参考FYI: “Rockefeller Center Christmas tree”; From Wikimedia Commons>
コロナ感染が収まらない中、11月14日頃でしたか、今年も設置されて、ニューヨーカーたちは大喜びです. On November 14th or around it, the big Xmas Tree stood in front of Rockefeller Center Building this year in such critical COVID-19. The New Yorkers are very happy and encouraged a lot.
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その9
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 9 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “PLAY NYC in the park: Street Lab + Queens Museum”; Taken October 28, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm; From Street Lab>
Description: “This new program offers safe, hands-free play, including a no-touch obstacle course, exercise activities, and learning experiences. Masks are required, but we’ll have free ones for you, along with hand-sanitizer. Made possible by the NYC Green Relief & Recovery Fund at the City Parks Foundation.”
「この新しいプログラムは、ノータッチ障害物コース、体育活動、学習体験など、安全でハンズフリーの遊びを提供します. マスクは必須ですが、手指消毒剤と一緒に無料のマスクを用意しています. シティパークス財団のNYC Green Relief & Recovery Fundによって可能になりました.」(和訳:遠藤由明)
The 157th M-PEC月例講座:10月17日(土)実施:
Review: the 156th YEA on Sep 19th (Sat)
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “It’s A Game” by The Bay City Rollers: (邦名)「恋のゲーム」
<4a: “Bay City Rollers in Holland (1976)” Created: 14 February 1976; by Rob Bogaerts (ANEFO) - via Wikipedia>
Description: “British musical group Bay City Rollers wearing wooden shoes, at Schiphol Airport (The Netherlands), 14 Febr 1976”「オランダの、シフォール空港で、木靴を履いている英国の音楽グループ、ベイシティローラーズ」
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 023”:掲示クイズNo. 024
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4b: “Cat is hiding herself …” From Pikist>
<Example: 例> “snail mail”「蝸牛郵便 (かたつむりゆうびん)」って、何?
答え:SNS, E-mail等の電子郵便に対して、従来からある、郵便ポストで受け取る、通常郵便のこと. 蝸牛のように、遅く感じやすいから.
<4b: Tags: mailbox, snail mail; From Free Picture>
(3) “One of the most fearful stories I’d like to tell to Foreigners”:「私が、外国人に伝えたい、一番怖い話」
<4c: Fearful Pumpkins; From PxHere>
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その10
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 10…
<4d: ご参考FYI: “ETIQUETTE; Travel photographer Peter West Carey shares his tips on taking care when taking photos.”「写真撮影時のエチケット」 by Peter West CareyPosted on 12 November 2015; via G Adventures>
Description: Travelling far from home often means we’re immersed in a different culture and set of customs. And while this change in perspective can inspire us to capture our experiences through our camera’s lens, we might not be fully aware of the appropriate etiquette when snapping photos. (Author’s note belongs to this picture.)
家から遠く離れて旅行するということは、異なる文化や習慣に没頭していることを意味することがよくあります. この心理的遠近法の変化は、カメラのレンズを通して私達の貴重な体験として捉える気にさせますが、撮影時の適切なエチケットを、よく認識していない可能性があります. (和訳:遠藤由明)
The 156th M-PEC月例講座:9月19日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 156th YEA on Sep 19th (Sat)
YEA is held on the 3rd Saturday every month.
どなたも大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません.毎回の資料代= 3,000円 (税込み)
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
9月19日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 155th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:♥ご出席のご返事は、9月17日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, Sep 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. ♥Please reply to confirm your participation by Sep 17th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
「M-PEC講座ご案内&記録 (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE
When it comes to the number of 10 and over M-PEC students will constantly join us, as I had promised you, “an English Play for Myoko Citizens” sure will be performed!
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “(The Theme) From The Monkees” by The Monkees:「モンキーズのテーマ」
<4a: (Part) Lyrics; This picture of The Monkees is from Wikipedia>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 023”:掲示クイズNo. 023
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4b: “Cat is hiding herself …” From Pikist>
<Example: 例>「かくれんぼ」英語で ⇒ “Hide and (s )”
答え:“Hide and (seek)”
(3) “Let’s Translate a Japanese Song into English!”:「日本の歌を英訳しましょう!」
<4c: 『尋常小学読本唱歌』所載の歌詞/「虫の声」♪; From Wikipedia>
Yoshy’s note: 雑音としか聞こえない外国人が多いそうなので、この英訳詩を覚えて、「会話の切っ掛け」にしてはどうでしょう?
They say there’re many foreigners who can’t recognize the sounds of insects, so I propose you to sing this English Song in your conversation with foreign friends.
現代語訳 by 遠藤由明
あれ松虫が 鳴いている
ちんちろ ちんちろ ちんちろりん
あれ鈴虫も 鳴き出した
りんりんりんりん りいんりん
秋の夜長を 鳴き通す
ああおもしろい 虫のこえ
きりきりきりきり きりぎりす
がちゃがちゃ がちゃがちゃ くつわ虫
あとから馬おい おいついて
ちょんちょんちょんちょん すいっちょん
秋の夜長を 鳴き通す
ああおもしろい 虫のこえ
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その9
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 8 …
<1a: 8月18日(火)の、FC2-Blogランキング公表!>
「学校・教育部門」:106÷24197 = 0.004 ➡ (上位:0.4%)
「英語会話・部門」:022÷04508 = 0.004 ➡ (上位:0.4%)
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The 155th M-PEC月例講座:8月22日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 155th YEA on Aug 22nd (Sat)
YEA is held on the 3rd Saturday every month.
どなたも大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません.毎回の資料代= 3,000円 (税込み)
Welcoming to the first visitors! You pay 3,000 yen as a monthly material fee only.
8月22日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm @ LLシホヤ新井教室:The 155th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は3,000円:出席のご返事は、8月20日(木)までにお電話☎:0255*72*2025 or メール (👈 e-mail個人情報保護最新機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします. 英語でも受け付けています.
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, Aug 22nd from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. Please reply to confirm your participation by Aug 20th (Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
「M-PEC講座ご案内&記録 (継続中)」⇒ Click HERE
When it comes to the number of 10 and over M-PEC students will constantly join us, as I had promised you, “an English Play for Myoko Citizens” sure will be performed!
<4a:ご参考FYI: M-PEC Festival の記録より; From Review of Records of Festivals>
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “I Think I Love You” by The Partridge Family「悲しき初恋」
<4b: 英和歌詞カード(部分); Part of Lyrics in both English and Japanese>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs”:掲示クイズ
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4c: “除戸の除雪” From 郷土出版>
<Example> この画像の「除雪機」⇒ A: “a snow plough” , B: “a snow blower”どっち?
答え: A … 吹き飛ばす場合は、B
♦なお、除雪用車両の一種の、「ラッセル車の、(Russel)とは、開発元、米国ラッセル社に由来しています. (From ウィキペディア)
(3) “Let’s Make Bamboo-copters by using English so that we could explain how to make it to our foreign friends!”:「竹とんぼを英語で作って、外国人に紹介できるようにしましょう!」
<4da: Some pieces of bamboo and a set of tools>
❕参加者は、出来るだけ、小刀(a pocket knife)、錐 (きり:a gimlet)等、ご持参下さい. 作業は、教室下で実施します.
Please bring your tools showing in this picture as possible as you could.
<4db: “A decorated Japanese taketombo propeller” by Haragayato via “Bamboo-copter” of Wikipedia>
<9b: “SOFIA Boeing 747SP cockpit (before upgrade)”; Taken on 26 April 2007; By NASA/Tony Landis; via Wikimedia Commons>
<9c: “Title: Wreck and sinking of the Titanic : the ocean's greatest disaster : a graphic and thrilling account of the sinking of the greatest floating palace ever built, carrying down to watery graves more than 1,500 souls : giving exciting excape from death and acts of heroism not equaled in ancient or modern times, told by the survivors ; Year: 1912 (1910s) edited by Marshall Everett; By Everett, Marshall; Via Wikimedia Commons>
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The 154th M-PEC月例講座:7月18日(土)ご案内:
Announcement: the 154th YEA on July 18th (Sat)
◎国内外の友人へ一言近況:Yoshy’s Brief Updates to my Friends at Home and Abroad
豪雨被災者の皆様に、お見舞い申し上げます. 当地は、長閑な梅雨空です.
Fortunately, Myoko City has no infected persons with COVID19 yet.
I’d like to express my deepest sympathies to the flooding sufferers. ― We have peaceful weathers in rainy season around here.
<1a: Rは、7月12日(日)、Y様宅で、ラベンダー・スティックづくりを楽しみました. R enjoyed making Lavender-sticks @ Ms. Y on July 12th, 2020>
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Quiz: Quick-Answer from Trendy Words:
えっ、今更聞けな~い (-.-) 流行語クイズ
コロナ感染防止 vs. 災害ボランティア募集で頭を抱える:「ジレンマ: dilemma」って英語?
答えは、すぐ下に!:Answer is right under here!
<3a: “Radar echos depicting training thunderstorms.”「線状降水帯のレーダー探知軌跡」Uploaded: 28 February 2009; by *NOAA - via Wikipedia>
"Training" precipitation. The thunderstorms are aligned in a linear fashion and repeatedly move over the same areas.”
*NOAA:[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] = 「米国海洋大気局」
<From Oxford Learners’ Dictionaries>
♦“dilemma” [dɪˈlemə]:”a situation that makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance.”
♦Word Origin「語源」:early 16th cent. (Denoting a form of argument involving a choice between equally unfavorable alternatives): via Latin from Greek dilēmma, from di- ‘twice’ + lēmma ‘premise’.「ギリシャ語からラテン語由来の:『2つ』+『論拠』で、決め難い選択肢」
<3b: "I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier"「私は、息子を兵士になるようには育てなかった.」, sheet music cover.; 1915; by Al Piantadosi, Lyricist: Alfred Bryan; from Indiana University library; via Wikimedia Commons >
Yoshy’s note: “Mother’s Plea”「母の嘆願」の文字が、この画像、最上部に見えます.
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❓Quiz: クイズ <英検3級レベル>
とりあえずの、怪我や災害などの「応急手当 (おうきゅうてあて)」は、次のどの英語が一番ふさわしいでしょう?
① “first aid”
② “quick recovery.”
③ “emergency medicine”
④ “immediate treatment”
答えは、一番下に!:Answer is at the bottom; scroll down please!
<3c: Norwegian [nɔɚwíːdʒən] medics [médɪks]:during an exercise”「ノルウェー衛生兵の訓練」; by Kjetil Ree; from “combat medic” of Wikipedia>
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
Brief contents we enjoyed learning this time:
(1) ♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! –遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
– “Knock Three Times” by Dawnドーンの「ノックは3回」
<4a: “Dawn – Candida” by Lawren; via Flickr>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 012”:掲示クイズNo. 022
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<Example> “sick bay”:「病んでいる入江」って、何?
答え: 応急治療室
<4b: “My Little Sick Boy”「僕の可愛い子が病気なのだ.」; Taken on May 9, 2010; by Tony Alter; via Flickr>
Description: “Frank is not eating and has thrown up 8 times in two days. I am boiling some chicken and rice for him to see if he will eat it.”
「フランクは、この二日、食事をしておらず、8回吐いています. 私は彼にチキンとライス煮ています; 食べてくれるかどうか…」
(3) “Let’s Make My Speech- For Speech Contest in Next Lesson”:「次回スピーチコンテスト用の自作スピーチを作りましょう」
<4c: “2012 Ontario Japanese Speech Contest Elite Team”「2012年度オンタリオ日本語スピーチコンテストでのエリートチーム」 by Sakuramai Toronto; Throwback Thursday: Taken on March 10, 2012; via Flickr>
Description: “After Kick It For Japan, we had another performance on the same day. We sent an elite team of our best dancers. Here they are.”
「コンテスト後、同じ日に、別のパフォーマンスがありました. 私達は、エリートチームの踊りを披露しました. はい、これをご覧あそばせ.」
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その8
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 8 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “NEW YORK FOREIGN PRESS CENTER, 799 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA, 10TH FLOOR; February 29, 2016; in New York, NY;「国連プラザ10階での、ニューヨーク外国人記者クラブ会場」 From US Department of States.米国国務省>
Dr. Anne Speckhard, Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism and Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine
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❓Quiz: クイズ <英検3級レベル>
とりあえずの、怪我や災害などの「応急手当 (おうきゅうてあて)」は、次のどの英語が一番ふさわしいでしょう?
① “first aid”
② “quick recovery.”
③ “emergency medicine”
④ “immediate treatment”
① “first aid” [-- éɪd] :
「最初の助力、援助」➡「(医師が来るまでの) 応急手当、緊急治療」
② “quick recovery.”:「早急な復旧」
③ “emergency medicine” :「救急医療」
④ “immediate treatment”:「迅速な治療」(治療の早さ)
<9a: “Boy Scouts cross into the blue”「ボーイスカウト達の実践訓練」; By Airman 1st Class Soo C. Kim, 374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs / Published July 01, 2013; From Yokota Air Base>
Description: “TAMA HILLS, Japan – Boy Scouts practice basic medical skills at Tama Hills, Japan, June 21, 2013. Using the basic Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape training they received, the Boy Scouts spent the whole day out in the forest on their own.” (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Soo C. Kim)
「2013年6月21日、日本のタマヒルズ–ボーイスカウトは、多摩ヒルズで基本的な医療スキルを練習しました. 彼らが受講した基本的なサバイバル、回避、レジスタンスや逃避行動トレーニングを実践して、ボーイスカウト達は、森で一日を過ごしました.(米空軍の写真撮影:一等空軍少尉、Soo C. Kim)」(和訳:遠藤由明)
<9b: “First Aid/Sick Bay”「応急医務室」; Taken on December 13, 2014; @ Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland; by Dennis van Zuijlekom; via Flickr>
“A sick bay is a compartment in a ship, or a section of another organization, such as a school or college, used for medical purposes.”「医療目的で使用される船内の区画、または学校や大学などの組織の中での区画域です.」 (From Wikipedia)
The 153rd M-PEC月例講座:6月20日(土)ご報告:
Review of the 153rd YEA on June 20th (Sat)
From Blog on June 14, 2020: Go To Blog: http://mpec.blog.fc2.com/
Next YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sat, June 20th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please look forward to it. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 3,000 yen. Please reply to confirm your participation by June 18th(Thu) by email or phone (☎:0255 *72 *2025) to Yoshy. English is available. Thank you.
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) 遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! – ドーンの「幸せの黄色いリボン」= “Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree” by Tony Orlando and Dawn
<4a: ご参考FYI: Due to Copyright … (原曲のレコードカバーは、©で、使えませんので … ) “The Yellow Handkerchief at Yubari”; 2008年8月11日「幸せの黄色いハンカチ」; By Captain76; via Wikipedia>
"Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree" is a song recorded by Tony Orlando and Dawn. It was written by Irwin Levine and L. Russell Brown and produced by Hank Medress and Dave Appell, with Motown/Stax backing vocalist Telma Hopkins, Joyce Vincent Wilson and her sister Pamela Vincent on backing vocals. It was a worldwide hit for the group in 1973.
(From Wikipedia)
<4b: “Publicity photo of the musical group Tony Orlando and Dawn from the premiere of their television program. From left: Telma Hopkins, Tony Orlando, Joyce Vincent Wilson.” Created: Press release is dated 8 November 1974. ; by CBS Television - eBay item photo front photo back; via Wikipedia>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 021”:掲示クイズNo. 021
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4c: “新井小学校北側の五差路” Taken on Jan 8 2020; by Yoshy>
<Example>「三差路 (さんさろ)」= “three-forked road” では、「五差路(ごさろ)」は?
“five-forked road”, “five-road junction”, “five-way junction”, etc.
(3) “Easy English for Explain Yourself – Part-3”:外国人に通じる英語を! No. 03
“From GC-2, Les-2, Page 21 Published by Foundation LL Education Center”
<4d: ご参考FYI: Ex-President Obama 2013: A Year in Photos; From Obama White House Archives>
February 14, 2013
"The President genuinely enjoys being with kids. Here, he played a magnifying glass game with children during a visit to a pre-kindergarten classroom at the College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center in Decatur, Georgia." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
「大統領は、子供たちと一緒にいることを心から楽しんでいます. ここでは、ジョージア州ディケーターにあるカレッジハイツ幼児教育センターの保育園の教室を訪問中に、子供達と虫眼鏡ゲームをしました.」 (公式ホワイトハウス写真:By ピート・ハウザ){和訳:遠藤由明}
Think, decide and write your dreams for Star Festival!
<4e: ご参考FYI: Star Festival in Yokota: 374th Airlift Wing public affairs / Published August 11, 2016; by Yokota Air Base >
Description: “Col. Scott Maskery, center, 374th Mission Support Group commander, carries the wing mikoshi while chanting during the 66th annual Fussa Tanabata Festival at Fussa City, Japan, Aug. 5, 2016. The festival gave Yokota members an opportunity to build friendships with the local community while experiencing Japanese culture. (U.S. Air Force photo by Yasuo Osakabe/Released)”
☚ From Blog on May 15, 2020: Thanks, Mr. Banksy.
🌞 5月16日(土)の「M-PEC講座:No. 152」ご参加ありがとうございました. 「ご報告」は、「ご案内」と重複いたしますので、今後、特別な変更がない限り、省略させていただきます.
Thank you very much many participants attended the 152nd YEA of M-PEC on Sat May 16, 2020. From this time, let me omit Yoshy’s Review of the latest one because the advancing contents would be almost same as the one we enjoyed every time.
◎国内外の友人へ一言近況:Yoshy’s Brief Updates to my Friends at Home and Abroad
世界中、毎日、新型コロナニュースが流れています.お変わりございませんか?-妙高市は目下、感染者は0です. 多分、山菜デトックス(解毒作用)で丈夫なのかも! / 私の友人、早津賢二先生の新著「火の山 みょうこう」(2,145円)が良く売れています. お求めは、(有) 志保屋書店へ:TEL:(0255)72-2025 or shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp そちら様のご近況お写真等、お待ちいたします. お元気で.
The top news every day is “COVID-19”. Are you fine? - There’s no infected patients here as of now. I guess maybe we’re eating spring edible wild vegetables these days, in which detox is included. / One of my old friends, Dr. Hayatsu Kenji’s new book, “Hi-no-yama Myoko” (2,145 yen tax included) sells well. This is a good-buy! I look forward to your new pictures as your updates. Well, Take care, please.
<1aa: 絵本のような「火の山 みょうこう」: “Fire-Mountain Myoko” like a picture book>
<1ab: 早朝春霞の妙高山:Mt. Myoko in haze; Taken on the early morning of May 9 (Sat)>
<1ac: 山椒とアンジェラ:Zantholum and Angela in LL garden; Ditto>
<1b: 小春と畝作り:🐇 Koharu @ LL-garden where the ridges were made; Taken on May 6 (Wed)>
<1c: My wife, R is taking care of…蚕の幼虫; “Baby-silkworms” Taken on May 7 (Thu)>
<1d: 新しい兜折り紙方法発見!LL用ですが、M-PECでも、ご要望があれば作ります.: “I found another way of folding origami-kabuto, samurai-helmet to be used @ LL lessons; if you’d like to do, let us do, too.”>
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The 152nd M-PEC月例講座:5月16日(土)ご報告:
Announcement: the 152nd YEA on May 16th (Sat)
Main themes planned this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) 遺産ポピュラーソングを歌いましょう
♪: Let’s sing a heritage popular song! – フィフス・ディメンションの「輝く星座~レット・ザ・サンシャイン・イン」= “Aquarius / Let The Sunshine In” by The 5th Dimension
<4a: Publicity photo of the music group The Fifth Dimension. Soul City Records. Created: There is a date stamp of 20 November 1969. - eBay item photo front photo back via Wikipedia>
(2) ❔ “Enjoy Quiz of Funny Signs- No. 012”:掲示クイズNo. 020
Let’s enjoy learning active English expressions by using around twelve pictures!
<4b: “Call 911” From Flickr>
<Example> “Call 911”:「非常時には警察、911へ電話を!」⇒「火災の場合の番号は?」
答え:カナダ、米国では、「警察、消防、救急」のどれも、nine-one-one です.
(3) ✴NEW: Let’s get the knack of the way to talk with a person from broad!
新企画:「外国人と話せるコツを身に付けましょう!」― Part 2:「タイ奥地で布教活動を続けているリチャード・ウェンディ一家の、現地語学習の方法」から学びましょう!
<4ca: ウェンディさんのお腹には、4人目の赤ちゃん👶が!
新企画:「英会話演習No.1:Communication Practice No_1」
<4cb: a GC-Text Edited by香原ちさと先生; Presented by LL Shihoya Arai School>
(4)「NHKとっさの一言:こんな時、どうしましょう?」より海外旅行編 ― その8
Let’s enjoy Practical English. “What Shall We Do in this Trouble Abroad?” Through "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK" Les. 8 …
<4d: ご参考FYI: “In Harrods - bought some chocolate!”「ロンドンのハロッズでチョコ買ったわよ!」 by UpSticksNGo Crew via Flickr>