



One of Yoshy’s best foreign friends kindly forwarded “some impossible? pix” to me.




The author is unknown. Yoshy appreciates both of you. Or, rather, the sender is one of my best female friends in abroad and 40s, so Yoshy wonders whether she is also disgusted by them like me… Hum?



この写真の価値が分かりませんので、一時的に次のサイトの最下部に保存しますのでご興味おありのお方は:You can see all incredible pix at the bottom of next site by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。





Mr. Suzuki Daisetsu says in his book: “What is Zen?”, “A human being in the world of Zen is ‘just a pipe for taking in and out’.”




And Mr. Shiba Ryotaro says in his book: the volume-1 of “Tobu-ga-gutoku: Like Jumping Over”, below; borrowing the words of Mr. Kawaji Toshiyosi, who was the first Superintended General in the beginning of Meiji era…which is impressive for Yoshy. …




“We human beings are never graceful creatures. Both men of virtue and voluptuous gentlewomen should all fall into simple and terribly miserable creatures if they were observed from the aspect of the basis of excretion.”