
このコーヒーはどの国で販売されているでしょう?:Which country is this coffee available for sale in?





Recently, one of Yoshy’s friends, Ms. A living in a country of Southeast Asia was very kind enough to send me several kinds of coffee-sticks.





She chose the ones that she bought during overseas trips or that are rather difficult to buy in Japan.





As you can see, different from Japan, the notation of them was almost written in three languages or over.





All of them include the language of English; both coffee and English are international.





These were interesting for Yoshy who is very fond of coffee; each taste was my first experience.





Well, which was sold in what country? It’d be easy for you who have travelled many times! You can tell just by looking! … Yoshy enjoyed reading its reverse side very carefully.



答えは、… The answer is …



“Old Town”が、マレーシア。

“Old Town” is from Malaysia.




“G7” is from Vietnam.



“Douwe Egberts”が、オランダ。

“Douwe Egberts” is from Netherlands. Holland is sometimes used as a popular name.



“3 in 1”は、「その中に、コーヒー、ミルク、砂糖がミックスされている」の意味でしょうね。


You can see a notation of “3 in 1”, which probably means that “milk and sugar are mixed in it”, doesn’t it?



“Old Town”と、 “G7”の「ミルク味」に異国情緒を感じました。 “Palm Kemel Oil”:「ヤシ油」の味だったのです。


Yoshy could feel the air of exotic at “the taste of milk” in “Old Town” and “G7”. I knew it’s because of “palm oil”.




Thanks a lot, Ms. A!