Eiken Mail Magazine vol.70 on June 2013:英検メールマガジン6月号 Vol.70
Since I’m sure the person who wrote below is one of native “teachers of making questions of Eiken in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP)”, this kind of essay would be a good example for practicing writing English for both Yoshy and Yoshy’s readers.
You can take the Eiken twice a year: #2 and #3 in LL Shihoya Arai School as before; the date of #2 Eiken is October 13th (Sun) and #3 is January 26th (Sun), 2014 in this year of 2013.
The following is the author’s English and Yoshy’s translation. <Annotated words or phrases are the ones whose levels are over the 2nd Eiken.>
This past April, I got a surprise gift from my elderly mother. It was a hybrid rose called “the Rose of Versailles,” named after a famous girls’ comic book series. She ordered it for me after she found a flyer advertising the rose in the morning paper.
As a rose lover, I thanked her, but I wondered what made her decide to purchase that particular rose. According to her, she wanted to give me the plant because I liked that manga when I was in elementary school. The fact that she remembered my childhood passion touched my heart, as it was ages ago and lasted for only a short period of time.
Taking the rose back home from my mother’s house, I repotted the plant into a bigger container and waited for its flower to bloom. The tiny bud grew bigger and bigger and finally opened last month. The rose with its broad, velvet-crimson petals was really beautiful. It looked magnificent, like the queen of roses.
<tiny:ちっぽけな> <velvet-crimson petals:ベルベットのように柔らかで、深紅の色の花弁、花びら> <magnificent:壮大な、雄大な>
Best regards, Eiken Mail Magazine Editor