
Brain surgeon, Dr. Charlie Teo
Brain surgeon, Dr. Charlie Teo

賛否両論ご返信感謝: Thanks for Lots of Replies For and Against!


昨日、A= 「ゴルフ場の自然破壊」と、B= 「電磁波公害」に関する持論を書きました。

Yoshy wrote my own opinions about A: “destruction of nature by golf courses” and B: “human damage by microwave”.




As I expected, I received ten and several replies for and against; which are enough and thank you!




Most of them were about A.




They had better not be called opinions, but “shooting raw feelings”.




About A, there are many barren controversies in “Chie-bukuro at the site of Yahoo”, too. I am afraid, including me, most Japanese sound like not good at debating yet.



Bのご返信の中に、1件だけ、「科学的根拠を示せ!」がございましたので、次のサイトをクリックなさってください。Only one wrote to me, “Show me some scientific basis!” So, would you click:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。