
The Road to Safety:自動車道を安全に



There were five long passages in “the writing questions of Eiken the 2nd grade” held on last Sunday. One of them was about V2X.




The others were “A growing Problem” telling about global warming, “Asteroid Mining” etc. Most of them were mainly about current affairs.




“Studying English means a vessel in which various information such as science, social studies, math, etc are mixed”, which is Yoshy’s one of mantras.



V2Xが紹介されている “The Road to Safety”の一部を抜粋して、重要表現解説を兼ねてご紹介させていただきます。

Yoshy is explaining a part of “The Road to Safety” in which V2X is introduced including explanation of important expressions in there.



<イメージ写真は、テレマティックス・ニュースより:This picture is from Telematics News as an image.> 以下は、出題本文より抜粋:The following English sentences are extracted from this title above.



The United States government, together with a number of leading car manufacturers, is developing a system called V2X that does just this.


<a number of~:多くの~>


In this system, each car is fitted with a device that sends our radio signals 10 times a second.


<fitted with~:~が装着されて> <device:装置>



Experts believe that V2X will greatly reduce the number of traffic accidents. Some people, though, have concerns about it.


<reduce:減じる> <the number of~:~の数 (a number of:上記を参照) > <have concerns about~:~への心配、懸念を抱く>



One is that if the system gives out too many warnings, the driver will become annoyed or even lose concentration. Another concern is privacy.


<become annoyed:イライラする>











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M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!



By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.


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