日曜日の日記:Diary of Sunday today
It’s uncommon that Yoshy is now writing a blog whose intrinsic meaning is “private diary” this time.
On October 20th, Sunday, we had cold rain all day long from the previous night.
“A day trip to Pine-valley” by Kanmachi Neighborhood Association was held, I knew; but I had already canceled it because I had to an LL special lesson, “the explanation of the latest Eiken Tests: 2nd grade and over”.
Though Shihoya Bookstore was closed on Sundays, R was tallying our stock-take of this year.
Finding a spare time, we were pausing to give Erie her favorite snack, “a few pieces of baked sweet potato”.
「LLシホヤニュース・11,12月号作成」、「10月6日(日)のLL スピーチコンテストでの私のスピーチ編集」を夕食後に完成したかったのですが…
Yoshy should have made time to complete “LL Shihoya News: November-December” and editing “Yoshy’s Speech at LL Speech Contest on Sunday 6th of this month”; however …
I felt myself compelled to watch my favorite TV programs, “Yae-no-sakura, or Eightfold Cherry Blossoms” and “Aibo, or Buddy”.
Yoshy is still moved Mr. Jo Niijima’s words to Mr. Taisuke Itagaki, “I want to establish private universities in Japan not to be untouched by national policy”.
Given the history of my life of LL Shihoya Arai School, twenty and over professors who encouraged or are still doing are from private universities except Mr. Yoshinobu Tokita in JUEN.
「相棒」の杉下右京 (水谷豊)の、人情味を抑えた知的で冷静な役柄が好きです。
I love the role of Mizutani Yutaka as Sugishita Ukyo in the TV program, “Aibo, or Buddy”; his role is filled with intelligent, calm-mind and hidden deep humanity.
Though writing is fun for me, wow… it’s already this late at night! Erie is snoring beside me.