
手づくりリースなど:Handmade Wreath, etc.



It was fine, but a little cold on Friday, November 1st. So Erie used her cushion for watching outside at the doorway of LL Shihoya Arai School.




R again found the mantis which had been found twice. Yoshy took a picture of it on my pocketbook. It is 10 cm long. I have no idea it is male or female. I returned it to LL Garden.




R made some splendid wreaths, ornaments, etc. of lots of rosemary Ms. Y presented and “pine and/or cedar [s í*dər] corns” during walking with Erie.



「よりみちカフェ」のテーブルには、メキシカンセージ、綿、ローズヒップ (薔薇の花の赤い実)を組み合わせたオーナメントが。

A big ornament in a vase was put on the table in Yorimichi-Café. It is coordinated with Mexican sage, cotton and rose-hips: red colored seeds of roses.



ところで、「からむし・越後上布」が勤研センターに展示されています。上杉謙信公 (写真はウキペディアより。) が当地に制作を奨励したとか…市や観光協会はもっと宣伝した方が良いのでは?

BTW, “Karamushi: Echigo Jofu, cloth” is displayed at Kin-ken Center. According to the pamphlet, Karamushi was once encouraged to produce more by Uesugi Kenshin (1530-1578 This picture is from Wikipedia.) … Yoshy thought it should be merchandised much more by Myoko City or Myoko Tourism Association when watching it.




We feel sense of warmth in what are made from natural materials has already, don’t you?












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M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!



By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.


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