

We are still in a cycle of three cold days and four warm days, however while walking with Erie around here, I can feel a sign of coming spring.




I shot the west entrance to LL Shihoya Arai School, the playground of Arai Elementary School and Mt. Myoko from the entrance. We can’t clearly see Black Prancer on its foot yet.




英検メールマガジン Vol.79:Eiken Mail Magazine vol.79 on 2014




Since I’m sure the person who wrote below is one of native “teachers of making questions of Eiken in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP)”, this kind of essay would be a good example for practicing writing English for both Yoshy and Yoshy’s Blog-readers.





The following is the author’s English and Yoshy’s translation. <*Annotated words or phrases are over the threshold of the 3rd Eiken.>




Several months ago, I went to an American diner with a friend who was born and raised on the East Coast of the United States. She came to Japan for work about two and a half years ago. Together, we had a great dinner and a nice talk, but there was one thing she told me *that clearly *sticks in my mind. I wonder if I could share it with you here.



<that:one thingが先行詞の関係代名詞・主格> <stick in one’s mind:妙に気ななる>




According to her, American fruits and vegetables keep their freshness for at least two weeks after *purchase. So, she was surprised to find that in Japan fresh agricultural products start to *wither a few days after purchase. She had long *suspected that American agricultural products remain fresh much longer because of the *excessive use of *artificial preservatives.



<purchase:購入、買うこと> <wither [w í ð ər]:萎(しぼ)む>

<suspect~:~を疑う> <excessive:過度の> <artificial preservatives:人工保存料>




She also thought that this could have some negative effects on people’s health because she became healthier shortly after she came to Japan. She added that she could control her *appetite better, so she has lost nearly ten kilograms without resorting to any *diets.



<appetite [ǽpitait]:食欲> <resort [ri zɔ́:t] to ~:~に頼(たよ)る> <diet:食事療法、節食>




What do you think about that? Her story might be one-sided, but I think it contains some truth that we should *take heed of. If food *affects our body and mind, we *can’t be too careful in choosing what to eat.



<take heed of~:~に留意する> <affect~:~に影響を及ぼす>

<can’t ~too:いくら~してもし過ぎることはない>


Best regards,

Eiken Mail Magazine Editor