#2 LL英語劇「ネコにスズを」練習、元気いっぱい出来ています
#2 Practice of LL English Drama, “Belling the Cat” was done vigorously.
There sure are lots of merry and various events on LL students, too in their summer vacation. In such busy days, 6 in all the cast: 10 members joined this practice; thank you!
One cast in the 4 “Children-mice” wasn’t able to attend this Drama. So Yoshy tried to have the left 3 cast perform all the lines of Children-mice.
The two 2nd grade-elementary school boys, K and Y decided to fill the vacant cast.
Next practice is on Sunday, August 26th.
By the date, Student-staff: S (a girl of the 6th grade-student of Arai Elementary School) and U (a boy of the 1st grade-student of Arai Junior High School), R and Yoshy are going to “make props”.
Look forward to next practice on August 26th.
All the cast, Yoshy wants you to keep practicing “Saying aloud” at home.
#35 LL スピーチコンテスト・小6以下の部・校内大会は、勤研センターで、10月7日(日)、2:00-5:00が、です。直前に披露する英語劇は、「ネコにスズを」です。
#35 LL Speech Contest Interclass for elementary school students and below is going to be held on Sunday, October 7th, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Kin-ken Center. The English Drama this year is “Belling the Cat” performed by LL elementary school students.
2012年度スピーチコンテスト、英語劇のご紹介は、You can see the introduction of #35 Speech Contest + English Drama; please click here:ここをクリックなさってください。