M-PEC 「英語劇・はね馬」道具作り: We enjoyed making main props of “English Drama, Prancer” of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)
11月18日(日)の「第6回M-PEC Festival」の英語劇「はね馬」は、4回目です。
Performing English Drama, “Hane-Uma: Prancer” will be 4 years old on Sunday, November 18th.
This story will end happier than before from this year.
We’re remaking “props” in order to make this story happier.
8月25日(土)、2:00-5:00 pm、(有)志保屋書店店内の一角で6名が「道具作り」に頑張ってくれました。
Six members came to Shihoya Bookstore to do on Saturday, August 25th and worked making new props at the corner in there from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
Next Saturday, we’re going to paint the big “scene”.
Let’s find and have your idea how you want to paint by then.
On schedule, M-PEC Advisor, Ms. Kohara Chisato is going to visit us to teach the pronunciation of this revised story on Saturday, October 13th.
Let’s keep practicing our lines in a clear and loud voice with our chairperson, Mr. Hosaka Futoshi.
「はね馬・練習、道具作り」は、You can see the articles about “Practicing Prancer and making props” HERE:ここをクリック:Click, please.