お陰さまで、LL SC校内大会が盛況でした.

「2012年度 #35 LLスピーチコンテスト小6以下の部校内大会+英語劇など」実施!


10月7日(日)、2:00-4:30 pm、勤研センターで実施させて頂きました。

This event was held on Sunday, October 7th, from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, at Kin-ken Center.




Before starting the contest, an English drama and an English funny short story-telling were performed.




This year’s English Drama: “Belling the Cat”, one of Aesop’s Fables had been dramatized by Yoshy and Mr. Yasuhiro Kawamura who is one of the members of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) composed the effect-sounds.




As an English drama has its own clear image, both LL students and M-PEC members can learn “the way of his/her pronunciation” merrily without a doubt.




There was full of smiling faces in the audience thanks to “heartwarming carriage of cute cats and mice”.




As soon as the drama finished, “music below the stage” which is used when “a rakugo-master” comes in and out was echoed in the hall.



和服姿の、LL 生徒、松木雄一郎君 (AA 高田高3年)が扇子片手に、座布団に着座。-どよめきが!

One of the students of LL Shihoya Arai School, Yuichiro Matsuki (AA-class, the 3rd grader of Takada Senior High School) appeared and sat down on a cushion in the music. The roar rose!




Y. Matsuki told a short and funny story in rakugo-style. Actually anyone of the member of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) hasn’t shown yet.




After Yoshy’s greeting, 23 participants from LL elementary school students and under did their best in the speech contest in front of the audience: 80 and over.




There were a few good speakers who were telling his/her recitation clearly and vividly this year; Yoshy was sorry for.



LLシホヤ新井教室、4部門の「#35 スピーチコンテスト・校内大会」の「結果、感想、課題文、台本等」は、You can see “the result, Yoshy’s impression, recitations, drama-script and so on” of “#35 LL Speech Contest Interclass of the 4 parts” by clicking HERE:ここを クリックしてください。




Five contestants to “Niigata Prefectural Contest” were decided. It is going to be held at Ao-re Nagaoka on Sunday, December 9th as follows.



Part-1 課題文:Fruits (果物)

優勝 吉田柊翔 (よしだしゅうと) GB 新井中央小2年

準優勝 保坂菜々 (ほさかなな) ◎ GB 新井小2年

3位 河村悠希 (かわむらゆうき) GB 新井中央小2年


Part-2 課題文:The Ant and the Chrysalis (ありとさなぎ)

優勝 武田真愛 (たけだまい) PB 新井小4年

準優勝 飯吉晴人 (いいよしはると) PB 新井北小4年

3位 山田友姫乃 (やまだゆきの) PB 姫川原小4年


Part-3 課題文:The Ridge Forest (リッジ・フォレスト)

優勝 東條 廉 (とうじょうれん) PC 新井中央小5年

準優勝 小杉泰世 (こすぎたいせい) ◎ PC 春日小5年

3位 杉本 奏 (すぎもとかなで) ◎ A4 新井小6年


<SC県大会出場生徒◎> 12月9日(日)、アオーレ長岡で実施



保坂菜々 (ほさかなな) GB 新井小2年 Fruits



小杉泰世 (こすぎたいせい) PC 春日小5年 The Ridge Forest

杉本 奏 (すぎもとかなで) A4 新井小6年 The Ridge Forest



横田 渉 (よこたわたる) A4 新井中1年

発表自作英文:What I Learned at my Club-Activity ( 部活動から学んだこと)

牛木拓海 (うしきたくみ) A4 新井中1年

発表自作英文:Never Lose Our Dreams! ( 夢を持ち続けよう)