レザーバッグ・展示即売会ご案内:11.9(金)9:00am -7:00 pm & 10(土) 9:00am -5:00 pm
11月9日(金) 9:00 am~7:00 pm、10日(土) 9:00 am~5:00 pmの二日間、(有)志保屋書店・とんぼ玉コーナーで開催致中!
The date is November 9th (Fri.) from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and 10th (Sat.) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at “Glass-beads Corner” in Shihoya Bookstore.
They say, “Seeing is believing.”
Why don’t visit us just to touch the real ones? – We are welcoming you!
These pix show the scenes we have just got ready for.
We are looking forward to seeing you. Thank you.