凍み渡り:Walking on the Frozen Snow
In the early morning on Wednesday, December 12nd, we could walk on the frozen snow-field, which is called “Shimi-watari” in Japanese.
早朝と言っても、7:30 am頃ですが。
However, though Yoshy wrote “early morning”, in fact, it was around 7:30.
The 1st picture says that Erie is on the gate-ball field. You can see a green colored rectangle signboard far away. It is the west-side entrance of LL Shihoya Arai School.
At the 2nd one, Erie is “Cherry Avenue” Yoshy has very often taken pictures.
3枚目:真っ白な妙高山 (2,454 m)、天然の貯水池になりかけています。
The 3rd, you can see the sparkling white Mt. Myoko (2,454 m high), which has been starting a natural water reservoir.
It’s already in the middle of cold winter.
今日:12月18日(火)は、朝から霙…4:00 pm頃から、雪になっています。
Today, Tuesday, 18th, sleet was falling from early morning and changed into snowing from around 4:00 pm; still falling.