「イースターエッグ模様づくり・世界コンテスト」のご案内: Will you join “Making Egg-shaped Pattern World Contest”?
It is in the late spring around here, Myoko City in Japan; green buds and leaves are growing bigger.
Probably most people in the world must be able to feel “the joy of coming spring”, even if there has no changing seasons in your country, Yoshy believes.
「復活祭」の趣旨とは無関係ですが、画像送信での「第1回・イースターエッグ模様づくり世界コンテスト」へ参加なさいませんか? ヨッシーの英語教室:LLシホヤ新井教室の子供たちに、みなさまの作品を見せてあげたいのです。
This small event is not concerned with “Easter” at all, however, would you join the special contest, “The 1st Making Egg-shaped Pattern World Contest” by your sending me (Yoshy) your original pattern? Yoshy would like to have my students of LL Shihoya Arai School see your works.
【要項】:Requirements are as follows.
・Eligibilities:Anyone who are well-meaning can participate this event; an applicant’s nationality, age, sex and professional/armature doesn’t matter.
・オリジナルの未発表「手描き・カラーでの卵型模様」を、お一人1枚を、JPEG (サイズ:100 Kb~1Mb)で、ヨッシーのイ―メールへ送信してください。Yoshy’s e-address is… Click:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。 受信画像の著作権は私、ヨッシーのものになります。
・Please send your original and as-yet-unannounced picture which should be hand-drawn in an egg-shaped outline. You can send ONE picture to Yoshy by e-mail. The size of it should be from 100 Kb to 1 Mb of JPEG. Its copyright should belong to Yoshy’s.
・Please be sure to add your real name, nickname, age, the name of your country, address. If you could, will you add “your short self-introduction written in English”? – Yoshy thinks the latter addition would let my students get familiar with you and your country much more. To protect your privacy, Yoshy promise that only “your work, nickname, country and city” should be published when the three winners are announced.
・締め切り:5月17日(金) 日本時間で10:00 pmまでに着信できているようにお願いします。
・Deadline:Friday, May 17th; I’m asking you your picture could arrive here by 10:00 pm Japan time (JST).
・Judgment:Yoshy, all the junior/senior high school and adult students of LL Shihoya Arai School are judges. We will decide one Champion and two Junior Champions. This special contest is another one from “the inner contest of LL Shihoya Arai School”.
・The date of announcement of this result is scheduled to be shown on this blog on Sunday, May 26th. Yoshy will send each winner “a very small present”, which is “a paper balloon: one of Japanese traditional toys” by mail. It is very cheap, excuse me.
【ご参考】FYA (for your action)
・「昨年度校内コンテストの結果発表掲示」、「1978年4月8日撮影:当市南部、平丸地域の春祭り神輿」、「日本伝統模様 on イースターエッグ」等をご覧ください。
・You can enjoy watching “The last winners works of LL Shihoya Arai School”, “A scene of carrying portable shrine on their spring festival, April eighth, 1978 at Hiramaru-district at the southern part of Myoko City” and “some Japanese traditional patterns on Easter Eggs”, etc.
・もっと多くの「日本の伝統的模様の一部」は、You can enjoy watching more Japanese traditional patterns by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Thank you!