熊に会いに:Went out for seeing a Bear
“Warning! A bear is showing up!” was announced on R’s cellphone, which has often happened these days.
“Let’s go see the hungry bear to give it Erie’s biscuit!” Yoshy, R and Erie drove to the mountain valley called Yashiro district, at the west side of Myoko City.
途中、妙高山のはね馬、高速道路、田舎道、山桜、トラクターでの代掻き、使わなくなった「稲木 (はさぎ:稲を天日干しするための木)」…今昔風景です。
On the way there, we enjoyed watching Black Prancer on Mt. Myoko, High-way, local roads, Ploughing and Irrigating Rice-fields by tractor, Trees for drying rice-plants, called Hasagi which are already not used now, etc. … They are a landscape mixed with now and past.
We entered a thriving Tofu-shop, where Yoshy had a cup of “soybean milk coffee”.
Telling the truth, the coffee made by percolator was beaten by the powerful soybean milk. Yoshy thought in my mind, “In this case, coffee should be handmade by using filter!”
After all, we couldn’t meet a bear, coming back home.
We found a small gecko called “Kanacchoro”, which might be one of our dialects, around here; it was basking in the afternoon sun.
Yoshy grasped its tail to watch its face, but it cut its tail and ran away as I expected.
The tail remained was moved for a while. Yoshy wanted my students of LL Shihoya Arai School!
Yoshy took a memorial picture of today’s “searching a bear with Erie” beside three flowers, “a peony”, “a dogwood” and “an azalea”; we picked during driving there.
This is “Erie’s smiling face”; only those who love dogs can understand.