訂正2件:「かなちょろ」vs.「ヤモリ」/ “suit” vs. “suite”
According to WIKIPEDIA …
Probably, “Kanachoro” is one of dialects around here. It should be called, Yoshy believes now, “”Japanese Grass Lizard. You can see “Japanese Grass Lizard” at Wikipedia by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Incidentally, “A gecko” or “a wall lizard” is classified as “reptiles” and “a Japanese fire belly newt” as “amphibians”.
We often hear that “Lizards drop their tails when threatened by a predator”, don’t we? They are also in the group of “reptiles”.
「かなちょろ / ニホン・カナヘビ」は、日本の固有種ですが、「ヤモリ」、「イモリ」(写真:C)、「トカゲ」(写真:D) には、非常にたくさんの種類がある事にびっくりしました。
“kanachoro / Japanese Grass Lizard” is an endemic to Japan. And Yoshy was surprised to know that “Gecko”, “Newt” and “Lizard” have a great number of endemic species.
Another correction is for all the students of A1 of LL Shihoya Arai School on their lesson of April 30th (Tue).
“suit”の発音は、[su:t]:「三つ揃い」で、”suite”は、「一続き」で、 “suite” と、”sweet” (甘い)が、同じ発音:[swi:t]です。
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M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!
President Yoshy is apologizing to make the members of M-PEC involved worried.
By formatting M-PEC like PC, Yoshy is scattering pink-colored blossoms just now.
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