Brain surgeon, Dr Charlie Teo is Warning:脳外科医・チャーリー・テオ博士の警告
This article was transferred via one of M-PEC Advisors, Ms. A. who had done Dr. Patch Adams several years ago. This time … The English sentences are as same as the author (anonymous) wrote; and Yoshy is translating into Japanese. Vocabularies above the level of the Pre-2nd Eiken are added <annotations>. BTW, this article is part from full text.
Australia’s Most Trusted Person in 2012:チャーリー博士は、「2012年度、オーストラリアの最も信頼できる人物」に選ばれています。You can read his information by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。(From Readers’ Digest in July, 2012:英文です)
This is mainly why electricals especially in the bedrooms, should be turned off completely when not in use. Also, microwaved foods should not be eaten immediately.
BRAIN cancer surgeon Charlie Teo has urged people to put mobile phones on loudspeaker, move clock radios to the foot of the bed and wait until microwaves have finished beeping before opening them..
脳腫瘍専門外科医のチャーリー・テオ博士は、携帯電話には拡声器を付属さすべきこと (直接耳に当てないこと)、ラジオ付き時計はベッドの床に置くべきこと、そして、電子レンジの扉をあけるには、チンの音が鳴りやんでからにすべきこと…を力説しています。
"The American government, for example, recommended that all electrical appliances should be put at the foot of the bed and not the head of the bed.”
"Electric blankets should be turned off before you get in bed and definitely wait for those five beeps before you open the microwave."
"With the mobile phone I encourage you to put it on loudspeaker and step outside rather than sticking it up to your brain."
Dr Teo, who tackles tumours other surgeons deem inoperable, said some hair dyes, particularly red, could also cause brain cancer in people with a predisposition.
<deem:~と思う> <inoperable:手術不可能な> <predisposition:傾向、病気になりやすい性質>
"The body needs some genetic predisposition. The hair dye, the mobile phone, they're just catalysts but you probably need some sort of genetic aberration to get the cancer in the first place," he said.
<genetic:遺伝の> <predisposition:傾向、性質(たち)> <catalyst:触媒、促進物質> <aberration:異常、脱線>
Dr Teo said there had been some advancements in treating tumours, like microwave therapy and putting chemotherapy directly into a tumour. A healthy diet, meditation and positive thought could also be beneficial.
<advancement:促進、助長> <therapy:療法> <chemotherapy:化学療法> <meditation:瞑想>
"We believe that they probably boost the immune system," he said.
Dr Teo's tips to reduce brain tumour risks
- Get eight hours sleep a night and eat well to boost your immune system
- Keep electrical appliances like clock radios at the foot of the bed
- Turn electric blankets off before retiring
- Put mobile phones on hands-free
- Wait until the microwave finishes beeping before opening it
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