Amazing Views Mr. A. sent Yoshy on 2013.04.24
Let me introduce “Amazing Views in the World” transferred by one of Yoshy’s friends in UK, Mr. A. Each caption written in English by the author and Yoshy’s translation are added. Thank you, Mr. A!
12枚全ての写真はホームページと違ってBLOGでは収まりませんので、数枚のみ:As my BLOG has narrower space than my website, you can see all of a dozen pix by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Well, to Dear Yoshy’s readers who couldn’t get any chance to go out for taking a rest; please enjoy these pix imagining as you really went there!
Each number is IAW (in accord with) its picture’s.
01:Super Moon rising above Sierra Nevada Sequoia National Park, California
02:The Amazing Stone Mirror in Istanbul, Turkey
12:Amazing Landwasser Viaduct, Switzerland