
通院か入院:To Attend a Hospital or To Enter…That is a question.




Though I have no idea if I have to enter hospital or only to attend it until Monday when the result of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is shown; maybe, I hope and guess I’ll attend a hospital near here, because my condition is rapidly getting better today: Saturday, May 11th.





In either case, I will continue writing this BLOG; encourage Yoshy, please.





Returning healed sate; on this occasion, I will re-start radio-gymnastics by using a tape recorder in LL Room every morning.



早起きするために、0:00 までに床に就くことも私にとっては、大きな決意になりました。


To excuse it, needless to say, I must get up earlier than usual; yes, I never ever go to bed after 0:00 from tonight.