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LL Shihoya News 6月号発行
The season seems quickly changed from winter to early summer; watch your health in these TEXS weather, quickly changing temperatures, please.
Recent motorization will make the main street in front of Shihoya Bookstore “a sideway” soon. But … Am I so-called, “Amano-jaku, a perverse man”?
“The worse luck now, the better appears from its back.” (Yoshy’s original proverb) … Yoshy hopes many walking “old and young customers” will pop around in Yoshy’s renovated store; we are going to renew the ex-tea corner and open it in the beginning of June. Won’t you visit to try R’s handmade cake? Yoshy & R are looking forward to seeing you!
There are already only a few stores in the main street; how sad and ridiculous! It should be called “a ghost town”! Yoshy heard many old people are asking a delivery service company to buy their daily goods and carry them their home, Alas! … I believe, under such cold atmosphere floating in our society, it is very difficult to grow up children better than before!
もう一つ、方針の大転換!今年度からの「#36 LL スピーチコンテスト」は、当教室は「校内大会」までと致します。
There’s another big about-face, change of Yoshy’s policy in this newsletter. “The 36th LL SC in LL Shihoya Arai School” will end at the Interclass Competition, which means we do not join the above ones: from Niigata-prefectural to Oomiya Block and Tokyo Final. Next year, too!
“If I could grab the spotlight, my family would praise me!” Is it really right attitude as a learning student? – That is “reversing the cart and the horse!”
Yoshy will build and open “LL Debating Competition for Kids” for the first time in Japan in a few tears.
上記の考えは、「Yoshyの主張と哲学」に保存いたします。You can read Yoshy’s previous recorded “Yoshy’s Opinions and Philosophy” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
最新~過去ニュースは、You can see this and the past News by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp
M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!
President Yoshy is apologizing to make the members of M-PEC involved worried.
By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.
英語学習をたのしみながら、仲間づくりを!:Shall we make new friends by enjoying learning happy English? 過去6年間の記録をご覧いただけます。You can see or read past record for six years: from the year of 2007 to 2012 by clicking :HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。