
「オノマトペ」って、なんだ?:What is on earth “Onomatope”?




On Wednesday, June 12th, Yoshy by chance watched a TV program of NHK whose headline was “Onomatope is quickly increasing.” with considerable interest.





“What is the word, ‘Onomatope’ on the earth?” … after watching a short while, Yoshy noticed that someone Japanese made it by shortening “Onomatopoeia” on his own will.






In Yoshy’s latest Blog, the word of “gooey” was shown in a recitation of LL Speech Contest, “I Love Dango!”, wasn’t it?





After watching the program; I imagined I could change that expression: “They are chewy.” into “kuchakucha: chewy”, I felt “zokuzoku: ”a thrill a lot.





You know, onomatopoeia words in the language of English are more difficult to increase than Japanese.





Yoshy thinks the reason is that there is rarely a macron, but no long sound letter, like “―” in Japanese. Another reason is that there is no “voiced consonant letters” in English.





How do you think of this opinion of mine, Ms. Y in Malaysia and Prof. W from Chicago?





「チャビーのおしゃべり」(1/16th/2013) http://ameblo.jp/beautyhula/entry-11133857605.html



A message below was found in “Chabby’s Chatting” on January 16th. (URL is above.)



雪が「もかもか」降っています。なんだか可愛らしい言葉! 方言なんですって。長岡では「もさもさ」が近い言葉でしょうか。言葉は違うけれどなんとなく理解できてしまうのが、おもしろいです。「雪がもかもか降っています。」、「雪がしんしん降っています。」この違いを英語で伝えるのは難しそうです。日本特有の細かな表現なのでしょうか。


Snow is “moka-moka” falling. This expression sounds cute for me! I heard it was a dialect of Yoshy’s country. In Nagaoka, “mosa-mosa” might be close to it, I guess. Though such expressions are different, we can easily understand their feelings, which is some interest in Japanese language. … It seems difficult to tell the difference between these adverbs “moka-moka” and “shin-shin”. Are these ones of Japanese characteristic and fine expressions?



生意気なヨッシーが、トライしてみました!(a)=「雪がもかもか (もさもさ)降っています。」、(b)=「雪が夜中にしんしんと降っています。」…いかがでしょうか、チャビーさま?


Impudent Yoshy is trying to translate them! (a) = “It is snowing thick and softly.” (b)= “It is snowing thick and fast in the middle of night.” Hum… How about these, Ms. Chabby?





BTW, Yoshy found the word, “Public Information Commons (?)” for the first time through NHK News this evening on June, 12th.





This katakana English, “Komonzu” means …? … Probably it might does “corporate estate”, I guess. Hum… Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC) will translate it into English in a few days or so.