
今日は七夕、盛況だった英語劇説明会:Successful Briefing Session on Star Festival Day




Unstable atmosphere was still covering this area; it was raining on and off until this evening.




今日は、自由参加の「英語劇:ライオンとなかまたち」の説明会。10:00-11:30 am。


Today, we have a briefing session just before starting training of “English Drama: The Lion and His Friends” from 10:00 to 11:30 am.






Since various kinds of events were already scheduled on today of Sunday, Yoshy was a little worried about how many students would attend here, but …






Ten students attended here; most of them were elementary students.






This story explained both in English and Japanese is shorter than before, but very funny and exciting. So, ・・・






Some of them were noisy and all of them were active; we had a good time.






R had made “Blueberry pie” earned popularity last Saturday for the students.






In the picture, after eating it, Yoshy is answering their questions about the scene: “Mouse is keeping up its chin whenever Cat is bating Mouse.”




ストーリーの再編集が終わり次第、次のサイトでUp致します:As soon as Yoshy finishes reediting, You can see the renewed one by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。



生徒達もエリーも小さい時は、文句なしに可愛いですね。エリーの子ども時代の写真は、You can see Erie’s childhood by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。