今日はLL英語劇#1練習日:Today is the 1st Practice of LL English Drama
今日、7月28日(日)、4:00-5:30 pm、教室で、予定通り、第1回練習日です。
Today, Sunday, July 28th, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm, the first practice of LL English Drama is held in LL Shihoya Arai School on schedule.
The tile in this year is “The Lion and His Friends.”
10月6日(日)の「#36 LLスピーチコンテスト校内大会」の中で上演いたします。
It is going to be performed in “The 36th LL Speech Contest Interclass for Elementary School Students” on Sunday, October 6th at Kenshu-center.
In the night of Saturday, July 27th, Yoshy painted “the scene” with Erie.
Yoshy wishes the cast would like it!
BTW, the weather of July 27th was unsettled all day long. It was cloudy in the morning, but many rumblings of thunder were heard.
Erie hates its sound. Whenever she heard it, it scared her coming to Yoshy’s legs from a sofa.
Whenever Yoshy said to her, “Don’t worry!”; she was always relaxed.
After the rumbling stopped, looking at the window of LL office; I found a tree frog taking shelter from the rain on a calabash.
After doing “AS-class for adults” in the evening, Yoshy took a picture of sunflowers standing in the neighbor’s garden next to LL one.
「ライオンとなかまたち」の台本などは、You can see the script and so on about “The Lion and His Friends” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。