LLスピーチコンテスト改訂の趣旨:The Intent of Revised LL Speech Contest
お陰さまで、第36回LL スピーチコンテスト校内大会、「中高生以上の部」は、9月1日(日)、5:00-6:30 pm LLシホヤ新井教室で、「小6以下の部」は、10月6日(日)、2:00-4:30 pm 勤研センターで予定通り実施できます。どちらもどなたさまもご見学は無料です。お待ちしています。
Thanks to your encouragement, LL Shihoya Arai School can on schedule hold two kinds of LL Speech Contest: one is for “Junior and Senior High School Students and Adults” held on Sunday, September 1st, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School and the other is for “Elementary School Students” held on Sunday, October 6th, from 2:00 to 4:30 pm at Kin-ken Center. No admission fee is required both. We are looking forward to seeing you. Thank you.
A. 英語も日本語と同じく、「相手と自分の考えを伝えあうための便利な道具」です。
The language of English should be “one of the most convenient tools which we can use in case of telling our opinions to the others or listening to” like the one of Japanese.
In the last LL Speech Contest over the last 35 years, what all of LL students have practiced was only speaking their recitations which were given by LL Education Center; in other words, they have polished the tool, Yoshy thinks.
B. もちろん、このこと自体大変貴重な体験なのですが、LLシホヤ新井教室は、2013年度からは、校内大会で終了致します。県大会、ブロック大会、全国大会と生徒と親御さんにとってご負担が大きすぎるからです。さらに、今のご時勢でしょうか、大人も子供も、「面倒な努力なしで目立ちたい!」傾向が目立つようになっています。コミュニケーション能力の一部に過ぎないLL スピーチコンテストに過大な期待を持たせたくないのです。
Needless to say, A above sure has given them very precious experience for long time; however LL Shihoya Arai School decided this LL Speech Contest should finish until Interclass from the year of 2013. Because LL students and their parents have to pay too much energy in order to go up to the Prefectural, Block and Final Contest in Tokyo. And more, maybe due to tendency of the times, Japan today seems to be filled with the strange atmosphere of like that “I want to jump to the eye without troublesome efforts!”
C. 今や、外国友人とのChattingおしゃべりから、社会人になってからの仕事上の negotiations (交渉、折衝) まで、「聴ける力のみならず、自分の考えを発信できる力」が必須の時代になっています。このことは、2004年度実用英検面接試験改訂時の趣旨にも合致しています。遅まきながら、LLシホヤ新井教室は、全国の様々な英語教室に先駆け、LL スピーチコンテストの改訂に着手し始めています。
Nowadays, it is already needed for LL students to be able to talk, chat and negotiate with their future foreign friends or customers. So to speak, it is essential for them to acquire “the skills of not only listening, but also announcing their own opinions and ideas” to that end. This fits with the concept of the intent of revised Interview test of Eiken in the year of 2004. LL Shihoya Arai School belatedly started trying to revise LL Speech Contest ahead of the other English schools all over Japan.
D. 数年以内にLLシホヤ新井教室は独自に「LL Junior Debating Contest:討論コンテスト」を提供したいと夢を抱きながら準備中です。
Yoshy has a dream that we LL Shihoya Arai School could offer “LL Debating Contest” in several years. I am already getting ready for it.
E. さしあたって、2013年度は、従来型スピーチコンテストを見直す年度と位置付けています。LL Junior Debating Contest を全国に発信できるまでの間、実用英検5級レベルのPC以上の課題文の末尾に「Think of This Story!:考えよう!」を追加しています。
Right now, Yoshy sees this contest in 2013 as the year to be reviewed. Before Yoshy could offer the exact LL Debating Competition, “Think of This Story!” is specifically added at the end of each recitation for PC class whose grade is around the 5th of Eiken.
F. 改訂初年度の今回は、「自分の意見」を英語で言えなくても、先ずは日本語で堂々と述べられることを期待しています。ヨッシーが、即、英語で通訳いたします。出場者全員にとって「使える英語を英語でイキイキ」述べることの意義を実感してほしいと願っています。
Since this year is the first one of revising, Yoshy hopes they could tell their own opinions or ideas to the audience in Japanese. If they can’t tell them in English, Yoshy will interpret his/hers then and there. Yoshy also hopes that all the contestants can realize this purpose: all LL students can tell “their communicative English much more vividly than before”.
2013年度・LL スピーチコンテスト、英語劇 (ライオンとなかまたち) のご案内は、You can see the information about LL Speech Contest + English Play, The Lion and His Friends in 2013 by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
思い出の「LLスピーチコンテスト」は、You can see the archive of “LL Speech Contest” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。