Eiken Mail Magazine vol.73 on 2013:英検メールマガジン Vol.73
Since I’m sure the person who wrote below is one of native “teachers of making questions of Eiken in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP)”, this kind of essay would be a good example for practicing writing English for both Yoshy and Yoshy’s readers.
This time, it was more difficult for Yoshy to learn its “written Chinese characters” than reading this magazine.
写真の「蝉の抜け殻」は、英語で、a cicada’s shell 。(フリー画像より)
You can take the Eiken twice a year: #2 and #3 in LL Shihoya Arai School as before; the date of #2 Eiken is October 13th (Sun) and #3 is January 26th (Sun), 2014 in this year of 2013.
The following is the author’s English and Yoshy’s translation. <Annotated words or phrases are the ones whose levels are over the 2nd Eiken.>
How have you been so far this summer? Great, or just surviving?
Mine has been wonderful. This July, I set 20 or so concrete goals an unusually high number for me?
I wanted to achieve by the end of August. But now I can happily say that I’ve accomplished 18 of them, which makes me feel great!
Here are 10 English names of creatures typically seen in summer.
I wonder if you are already familiar with them: black fly, cicada, crayfish, firefly, grasshopper, horsefly, mosquito, moth, toad, and tree frog. (Their Japanese equivalents are: buyo, semi, zarigani, hotaru, batta, abu, ka, ga, hikigaeru, amagaeru.)
Well, some rather hot days are still yet to come, but hang in there, everybody!
Best regards,
Eiken Mail Magazine Editor