「DVD: マイフェア・レディ」と「LL文字カードゲーム学習」の共通点:A Point in common between enjoying “Watching DVD of My Fair Lady” and “Playing LL-cards Written in Letters”
The first line of “My Fair Lady” is a woman’s of upper class in the scene of trying coming back home just after watching an opera; it was suddenly raining.
「フレディ、車を探しとくれ」(日本語字幕) の英語字幕では、…
Her line of subtitled English is “Freddy, go and find a cab”.
At the scene of the first encounter of Audrey Hepburn as a flower girl, Eliza Doolittle with Rex Harrison as Prof. Henry Higgins,
イライザが、「じゃ、なんで人の言うことを書きとるのさ。見せとくれ」(日本語字幕) の英語字幕では、…
Eliza’s line to Prof. Higgins subtitled English is “You just show me what you wrote ab’ut me.”
This translator might have thought that since she couldn’t write the phonetic symbol, she wrote most of the line in general expression of English in order to have us understand the line.
“My! What is Eliza telling him?” – Some of English learners try to quickly read its caption.
In this case, the caption was written in Japanese, they can easily understand what she said very quickly, can’t they? But, when it comes to the caption in English? – Some of us can’t watch the scene carefully during reading it.
“I hope I can quickly read English newspapers, books, websites and so on”, which should be one of the biggest dreams for kids-bearers of Japan’s future in learning English.
LL英語教室のPC, PDクラスの「ゲームカード」には、画像がなく、表が英文、裏が訳文 (和文) になっています。
Game cards for the class of PC and PD don’t have any pictures but only in English (face) and its translation: Japanese (back).
To make such a dream come true, Yoshy thought, using these cards take a little ingenuity, enjoying playing some games with the card. One example is …
“She is sixty-four years old.”
There is a card whose Japanese is “She is sixty-four years old.” – Yoshy says to my students in their common way of saying, “That woman is let’s see … sixty-four years old.” instead.
もう一例:「それらはジャガイモですか?」… ヨッシーは、「あれってジャガイモかい?」と言い直します。
One more example, in case of “Are those potatoes?”, I say to them, “Well, are those … potatoes?”
ヨッシーの指導法アイデアは、下記サイト「ヨッシーの主張・哲学」の中に:You can find some Yoshy’s ideas for teaching methods:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。