本日の日替わりケーキ:Handmade Cake of Today
9月20日(金)と、21日(土) の「今日の手作りケーキ」は、3種類+1(手づくりクッキー)をご用意しました。
We are serving three kinds of “handmade cake of today” + 1 (Handmade cookies) on Friday, September 20th and Saturday, 21st.
With popularity among customers, we are ready for many delicious and cute packs of handmade cookies at Café in Shihoya.
You can take out “Handmade Cookies”.
R’s handmade cakes are …
One is “Pound Cake of Poppy-seeds and Cream-cheese”.
Another one is “Orange + Marmalade cake” and …
“Apple cake”.
R is making the cake every night before.
We sometimes feel cool air in the early morning and late evening; please take care not catching a cold.
Café in Shihoyaの営業は、毎週、(木)~(土)、10:00 - 18:00です。お待ち申し上げます。
Café in Shihoya is open from Thursday to Saturday; the hours, 10:00 - 18:00. We are looking forward to your visiting us. Thank you.
カフェコーナーのご案内は、You can see the information of Café in Shihoya by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。