Eiken Mail Magazine vol.74 on 2013:英検メールマガジン Vol.74
Since I’m sure the person who wrote below is one of native “teachers of making questions of Eiken in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP)”, this kind of essay would be a good example for practicing writing English for both Yoshy and Yoshy’s readers.
You can take the Eiken twice a year: #2 and #3 in LL Shihoya Arai School as before; the date of #2 Eiken is October 13th (Sun) and #3 is January 26th (Sun), 2014 in this year of 2013.
The following is the author’s English and Yoshy’s translation. <Annotated words or phrases are the ones whose levels are over the 3rd Eiken.>
My favorite songbird is the uguisu, or Japanese bush warbler. It might sound strange, but up until this year, I believed that Japanese bush warblers sing their delightful songs only in early spring, which is actually untrue.
<songbird:鳴き鳥、鳴禽(めいきん) = warbler> <up until~:~まで> <delightful:楽しい、快適な> <which:前節の、 “that Japanese …in early spring” のこと。>
The reason for this incorrect belief of mine was simple: where I live, these birds are heard (and seen) only in February and March, during the season when ume, the Japanese plum blossoms, are in bloom.
私のこの間違った確信の理由は単純でした。私が住んでいる所では、この鳥は2月と3月にしか、梅が咲いている時にしか、声が (姿も)ないのです。
<incorrect:間違った> <where S + V:SがVしている所では>
This year, however, I had chances to hear the birds singing for a much longer period of time―from February until August. This was because I had opportunities to go and take walks in the countryside much more often this year than usual.
<*chance:思いがけない機会> <*opportunity:適切で幸運な機会>
Last month, although I went to the country on several occasions, I could not hear their songs anymore. I’m now looking forward to encountering them again next year.
<although~:~だけれど> <*occasion:特別な好機> <look forward to~:~を楽しみにする> <encounter:偶然出会う、遭遇する>
Best regards
Eiken Mail Magazine Editor
*Yoshy*「機会」に相当する3つの単語が出ていますね。chance, opportunity, occasion …初歩の英語学習者には、それぞれのニュアンスが良く分かる有り難いコラムです。
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