「2013年度 #36 LLスピーチコンテスト小6以下の部校内大会+英語劇」実施!
お陰さまで、10月6日(日)、2:00-4:30 pm、勤研センターで実施させていただくことができました。ありがとうございました。
Thanks to you, this event was successfully held on Sunday, October 6th, from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, at Kin-ken Center. Thank you very much!
Before starting the contest, the English Play was performed.
This year’s English Play: “The Lion and His Friends”, one of Aesop’s tales had been dramatized by Yoshy and Mr. Yasuhiro Kawamura who is one of the members of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) composed the effect-sounds.
As an English drama has its own clear image, LL students are able to learn “the way of his/her pronunciation” merrily without a doubt.
There was full of smiling faces in the audience thanks to “heartwarming carriage of cute animals”.
After Yoshy’s greeting, 21 participants from LL elementary school students did their best in the speech contest in front of a large audience.
Yoshy was going to speak about “What LL English Education is Aiming at” for ten minutes, however; since the parents in particular were picking up their ears, I knew twenty minutes had passed after all. Let me write the gist of Yoshy’s Speech in the near future on this blog.
Needless to say, whether he/she did keep practicing or not was clearly shown on the result. As usual, it was a mixture of wheat and chaff! :-) Some did their best and some couldn’t do better than he/she expected. Anyway, everyone could have precious experience indeed.
There was little different score among more than half of the speakers of Part-2. Those whose speeches made the audience imagine their “recitations” got prizes after all.
先刻ご案内の通り、年度毎のLL スピーチコンテストは、今年度から当分の間、この校内大会で終了致します。
As informed you before, yearly LL Speech Contest finished until this interclass; which might be changed or join upper contests toward All Japan Contest for the time being.
LLシホヤ新井教室、3部門の「#36 スピーチコンテスト・校内大会」の「結果、感想、課題文、台本等」は、You can see “the result, Yoshy’s impression, recitations, drama-script and so on” of “#36 LL Speech Contest Interclass of the 3 parts” by clicking HERE:ここを クリックしてください。「LL スピーチコンテスト改訂の趣旨」もお読みいただけます。You can also read the intent of revised LL Speech Contest.
<SC結果速報:優秀賞は順位なく、アルファベット 順>
最優秀賞 吉田柊翔 (よしだしゅうと) PA 新井中央小3年
優秀賞 保坂菜々 (ほさかなな) PA 新井小3年
優秀賞 河村悠希 (かわむらゆうき) PA 新井中央小3年
最優秀賞 飯吉晴人 (いいよしはると) PC 新井北小5年
優秀賞 小杉泰世 (こすぎたいせい) PD 春日小6年
優秀賞 山田友姫乃 (やまだゆきの) PC 姫川原小5年