This picture was taken on Wednesday, July 10th in the early summer this year.
There is the city of Itoigawa and Japan Sea behind Mt. Namba or away beyond it
There was once a small village of “Ushiro-Dani” on the way to Itoigawa. The village was a division of Takada City, which is called Joetsu City. “A picture of the mountain hamlet” is a sample picture.
Maybe around three decades ago, it became a dead village; Yoshy have no idea how it is now. Yoshy walked there from the district of “Haizuka” close to Kuroda Elementary School.
Since it was Yoshy’s grandmother’s birthplace, I would visit to stay there for a few days every summer in my childhood. I was looking forward to do very much.
They made their living by mainly char-grilling and agriculture in a narrow valley enclosed in mountains. When I first visited there on foot with my grandma and younger brother; there was no electricity, telephone, etc. I used to enjoy cleaning lamps.
Even they had nothing convenient, however fine education was established there; which I’d like to write about some day.
How do you think those children were playing and studying there those days, half a century ago? – I’d like to write that as an archive. – Whenever I view Mt. Namba, I hope so.
さて、不思議なものですね。10月6日(日)の「#36 LL スピーチコンテスト+英語劇」の折に、私のスピーチで触れた「マララさんの国連でのスピーチ」…
Well, it is very strange for me. I was telling about Miss Malala Yousafzai in my speech at “#36 LL Speech Contest + English Drama” last Sunday. Do you remember?
10月9日(水)のNHK ニュースによると、今年の「ノーベル平和賞」受賞、最有力候補のよし。
By chance, according to NHK TV News on Wednesday, October 9th, she is emerging as a first-runner of this year’s Novel Peace Prize.
Yoshy greatly hopes she can get it!
<You-tubeをご覧になれます。You can watch her speech on You-tube by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。全文英和もございます。You can also read her full text in English and Japanese there.> <英文は、 “A World at School” より引用。和訳は遠藤由明。画像は、homes.yahoo.com より。>