本日の日替わりケーキ:Handmade Cake of Today
10月11日(金) の「本日の手作りケーキ」をご紹介いたします。
We are serving this “handmade cake of today” on Friday, October 11th.
R’s handmade cakes are …
It is “Caramel-Apple-pie with Ice-cream”.
During a lesson in which some J/S high school students are learning, R had us try it a little.
One of the students, S who loves Erie so much that she was giving some of hers to Erie.
And we are ready for many delicious and cute packs of handmade cookies at Café in Shihoya.
You can take out “Handmade Cookies”.
Thanks to your frequent visits, there are more kinds of handmade cakes than we expected. R is making the cake every night before.
Recently we sometimes have Texas weather; please take care not catching a cold.
「ふれあいカフェ」の営業は、毎週、(木)~(土)、10:00 - 18:00です。お待ち申し上げます。
“Fureai-Café” is open from Thursday to Saturday; the hours, 10:00 - 18:00. We are looking forward to your visiting us. Thank you.
「ふれあいカフェ」のご案内は、You can see the information of Café in Shihoya by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。