Halloween 解説(かいせつ) Halloween Introduction
10月23日(水)~LL生徒たちが楽しみにしている「ハロウイーン・タイム in 2013」が始まりました。
“Halloween Time in 2013” every student of LL Shihoya Arai School was waiting for at last started from Wednesday, October 23rd.
Here you can see Mt. Myoko and Cherry Avenue at the west side of LL Shihoya Arai School. Typhoon #27 + 28 are approaching Japan together; it is as of now clear autumn sky, which might be just the silence before a storm, I am a little afraid.
We have various aged students; every class is not classified by their ages or grades of their schools, but according to its level of proficiency. So the way to enjoy or leaning activities are different from each other, of course.
If I prepared the same activities as before, they would get much bored with them, so Yoshy has had a habit of thinking of new idea.
The style, contents, etc of “Halloween Introduction” have been changed every year. The following is some articles from this one.
【よく見かけるかぼちゃの正体は?】What is the pumpkin in Halloween we can often see in this season?
昔、アイルランドにジャックという人をだましてばかりの鍛冶屋(かじや:a smith)がいました。
Once upon a time, in Ireland, there lived Jack who was a smith and was always cheating his neighbors.
ある日、パブ(pub:酒場)で悪魔(あくま: Devil)に会い、魂(たましい: soul)をとられそうになりました。しかし、悪魔をうまくだまし、魂をとらないと約束(やくそく)させたのです。
One day, Jack by chance met a Devil in a pub, where his soul was likely to be stolen by the devil. But Jack deceived it, making it promise him not to take his soul.
After Jack who had wallowed in bad things or crimes died, he couldn’t enter Heaven and fall in Hell, either. This is why he had to go back and forth.
Making a turnip-lantern, he started walking in the darkness; it is said he continued wandering with that lantern between this world and the next.
カブだった jack-o-lantern がカボチャ(pumpkin) に変わったのは、アイルランド人がアメリカに移り住んでから。アメリカではカボチャがたくさんとれたからです。
The reason jack-o-lantern of turnips changed into one of pumpkins is that
【ブラウン・アイバン先生(上教大)のお話し】Comment of Mr. Ivan Brown (JUEN)
This traditional event started the region of Ireland, a part one of UK long ago; however it is more popular with the people of US now, Yoshy heard from him. Recently, affected by US now; kids of UK has become looking forward to this event. BTW, Japanese pumpkins are the best for eating in the world, he said, too.
「やさしいハロウイーン解説」を大きくご覧いただくには、You can see and read “Halloween Easy Introduction” at a larger size by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。