
2013.12.03 (Tue) That mantis with Erie
2013.12.03 (Tue) That mantis with Erie

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あのカマキリ、3回目の発見! Discovered that mantis three times!



Do you remember that mantis which was introduced here in this blog?




In the morning of June 26th, a shape of the gourd appeared first this year.




And then, R found “a cute baby of mantis” on a leaf of the rose called Angela. It was only about 3mm long.



27日(木)の7:00 pmに終わったPCクラスの生徒たちとワクワクしながら探しましたが、いませんでした。

In the evening on the next day: 27th, at the time of 7:00 when the lesson of PS class of LL Shihoya Arai School was over; Yoshy and the students were excitedly looking for it, but we couldn’t find it.




That missing mantis was on a leaf of “zinnia”.





It will fly away from there, but Yoshy wished this spot of LL garden would be its home. … Hum, that must be my sentimentalism.




I hope it won’t be eaten by a *gecko or a snake! … I was prying in my mind.

<gecko: ヤモリ>




My, my, my! R discovered it in the morning of Tuesday, December 3rd, which was her third discovery!




It grew up to about 12 cm long.




They say its life-span is around half a year; so to be sad, this would be our last meeting.




Probably it has stayed single. If it was male, it might have been eaten by a female one; hum… which was better for it? – This kind imagination should be beyond its real world.




Mr. or Ms. Mantis, Yoshy is happy you have lived in our LL Garden in your life *for no apparent reason. Thank you very much.

<for no apparent reason:訳もなく>



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