避難訓練のお知らせ:12月5日(木)、5:30-6:00 pm!The notice of Fire Drill on December 5th (Thu)
The *inspection and maintenance of “the pipe of snow-melting sprinklers” began on Wednesday, December 4th,
<inspection and maintenance:点検整備>
Fires in the neighborhood still fresh in our minds.
The fire *broke out from the home of M-fish store next to LL Garden on September 6th, 2009. Two persons were *burnt to death.
<break out:出火する> <burnt to death:焼死の>
The fire broke out from the home of K-Quilt shop. Five houses were almost burnt down.
12月5日(木)、PCクラスのレッスン開始時間の30分間:5:30-6:00 pm、今年度第2回の避難訓練を実施致します。
The 2nd Fire Drill in the year of 2013 is going to be conducted on Thursday, December 5th; at the beginning time of PC-class, 5:30 through 6:00 pm.
本日は、GAクラスはそのまま教室に残って、LLシホヤ新井教室生徒全員とM-PEC会員は教室に、5:20 pmまでにご参集ください。
Today, GA-class students are to stay in LL Room just after their class. Yoshy wants all students of LL Shihoya Arai School and all the member of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) to come up to LL Room to take part in this drill.
Some FD-officers and a big fire engine are on standby waiting at LL Parking Lot at the side of Culture Hall.
最近の「避難訓練記録」は、You can see the latest report of Fire Drills by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。