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早津牧師は、ヨッシーの旧友のお一人です。先生の許可を得て、「本当のクリスマスの集い」のご案内をしています。先生の方が私より英語力が優れておられますので叱られるかも。(笑) パンフレットの内容を英訳しています。在日外国人のみなさまもご参加ください。

Pastor Hayatsu is one of my old friends. With his permission, let me *inform you of “Gathering of Real Xmas”. Though Yoshy knows his command of English is much higher than mine, I’m translating his message on the pamphlet, which might *displease him. :-) We hope anybody including foreigners in Japan will join us.

<inform…of~:~に…をお知らせする> <displease~:~の機嫌を損ねる>





Ms. A., who has been one of my best friends for twenty years and is a pious Christian in Malaysia; thanks a lot you’ve sometimes read this blog.





The picture in the calendar of December was painted with the mouth by Rosalino Del Carmen Villagram. Yoshy again thanks Ms. A who presented me a year ago.





“Ambassador in Manger”



*Assuming Caroline Kennedy’s duties as U.S. Ambassador in Tokyo *received an enthusiastic response this year. Lots of people *hailed the ambassador on a *coach. That *picturesque setting was given a heartwarming *benediction by everyone.

<assume …as~:…が~として着任する> <receive an enthusiastic response:熱烈な反応を受ける> <hail~:~を歓呼して迎える> <coach:国王用の馬車 / cf. carriage:主に自家用馬車> <picturesque setting:絵のような舞台装置> <benediction:祝福>





Meanwhile, 2000 years ago, it was at a manger in a *stable that Jesus Christ, The King of kings or the *Lord of lords appeared. There was no one who was *shouting for joy with flags.

<stable:家畜小屋> <lord [l ɔ́: d]:支配者、神、主 / cf. load [loud]:重荷> <shout for joy:歓呼して叫ぶ>





However, that was *the very wonderful scene that has given us such a hint as appeared in front of us *so as to serve everyone with no-name on the earth.

<the very~:こそ~> <so as to~:~のために>





Since then, Christ has been visiting each of us so that He would be a friend of our lives and a *Redeemer for us in this world.

<so that~:~のために> <Redeemer:救い主、贖(あがな)い主 ≒ Savior>





I wish you could meet such a wonderful ambassador coming from heaven for you in this Christmas! Let me inform you of generous-hearted gathering of Christmas.





・とき:12月22日(日)午前10:30~ ところ:新井聖書教会 TEL:0255-4-72-3826

When: December 22nd (Sun) From 10:30 am~ ・Where: Heaven’s Gate Chapel (Arai Bible Church)