M-PEC 月例講座ご報告:12月14日(土)実施

Props for Merry Xmas Lessons
Props for Merry Xmas Lessons

M-PEC活動詳細ご紹介は、You can see Detailed Introducing “M-PEC” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。





Early on Saturday morning, December 14th, I saw 3 cm of snow around here; continuing from the previous day, Yoshy was preparing “various teaching plans and their props for Xmas Time” in M-PEC & LL Shihoya Arai School.





In the latest M-PEC monthly lesson, in the middle of Xmas Season, we started from enjoying singing Xmas-songs.





First, we challenged singing *merry and bright “Jingle Bells”, until its *second lyric.

<merry and bright:陽気で明るい> <second lyric:2番の歌詞>





Next, Yoshy had them watch three scenes with songs, whose difficult expressions were sometimes explained by me; deciding one scene, i.e. one song.





Though *I myself personally prefer “With A Little Bit of Luck”, all of them decided “I Could Have Danced All Night”. We all together sang it watching and listening to the song sung by Audrey Hepburn.

<I myself personally prefer~:~を個人的に好む>




「踊りたい!」がなぜ I want to dance. ではなく、I could have danced! になるのか、板書で解説しました。

Yoshy explained on the blackboard the reason why this words: “I could have danced all night!” was better than “I want to dance all night!” in this case.





They understood me saying, *“I see how it is!” … made a note of that; which *was worth of teaching.

<I see how it is! :なるほど!> <be worth of~:~のし甲斐がある>





A picture book of “Snoopy’s Christmas” was used as a “Telling A Story”. I had them try to translate the lines in it into “Japanese”.





“Max at the Aquarium” was used as a “Picture-Card Show”, in which various kinds of fish and animals were introduced before them.



その魚たちについて、それぞれ、「絵」、「ひらがな」、「漢字」そして「英語」の4種のカードのマッチングを競い合いました。例:「その絵、海月:くらげ:jelly fish」…

Yoshy had prepared the set of four cards for each: its “picture”, “hiragana”, “kanji” and “English”. They enjoyed matching or setting with the four cards. E.g. “the picture of jelly fish, its kanji, its hiragana and ‘jelly fish’”. …





*As quick as lightning, Tea-time! … We enjoyed “exchanging small gifts” during eating R’s “the cup of muffin with strawberry-jam” and singing “I Could Have Danced All Night”.

<as quick as lightning:稲妻のように速く>





Yoshy was by chance given “a nice handkerchief and *a cake of fancy soap” Ms. K had brought. I love them. Thanks! *Why don’t you take your spouse next lesson on January 11th?

<a cake of soap:1個の石鹸> <Why don’t you~:~しませんか?>




The teaching plan for next YEA (Yoshy’s Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC has not made yet, but one of my ideas is to make a horse with folded paper because the animal symbol in 2014 is Horse.




今回、英語映画DVDを使っての「英語力増強方法」を実感して頂きました。M-PEC特別顧問、ライト教授もこのアイデアを推奨なさっておられます。You can read an advice of Prof. Wright (Otsuma Women’s University) by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。





As you already know, Mr. Minister Shimomura of MIXT announced “Renewed Guidelines for Education of English” last Friday, December 13rd. It is *taking one step closer to Yoshy’s idea of English Education. I am going to explain this in the near future after calling Professor Wright to confirm this issue. Blog is written almost every day in Japanese and English. Never miss it, please.

<MIXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:文部科学省> <take one step close to~:~に一歩前進する>