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このBlog容量制限のため、全ての画像、記述をご覧いただくには、This blog is small in capacity; you can see the entire by clicking:www.shihoya.com (January 6th) をクリックなさってください。
おみくじクイズ初挑戦!:We Tried Paper Fortune Quiz for the First Time!
In my LL Shihoya Arai School, the first lesson in the new year of 2014 had already done last Saturday; but though it was for “an individual lesson for an adult student”, today: January 6th (Mon) was actual “the first working day of the year”.
We had two classes; one was PD whose level was around the 5th and 4th Eiken, the other was A3, around the 3rd Eiken. I was happy to see and do my lessons with all of them.
“New Year’s Gift Chocolate” R had prepared *gained great popularity among them. To give this small present to our students in the first New Year’s lessons was the first time in 39 years. Yes, such a small gift made them happy!
<gain great popularity among~:~の中で人気を博す>
Since these classes enjoying higher leveled English can use only 10 minutes for games or activities, Yoshy had them enjoy the following “Paper Fortune Quiz” only.
Yoshy had A3 students express the difference of each other among the three choices.
Why don't you try to answer, too? The correct answer is written on the last line.
<on the last line:最下段に>
Shall we start? … Which one is the best English expression among the three choices in this context of Omikuji?
Q-1:「大吉」って、次のどれ? Which is “Dai-kichi” in English?
A: The best luck.
B: The large luck
C: The wonderful luck.
Q-2: 「待人(マチビト)」って、次のどれ? Which is “machi-bito” in English?
A: the person you are waiting for.
B: the person waiting for you.
C: the person is waiting for you.
Q-3: 「争事(アラソイ)」って、次のどれ? Which is “arasoi” in English?
A: strife B: war C: battle
Q-4: 「恋愛(レンアイ)」って、次のどれ? Which is “renai” in English?
A: love affair B: romance C: marriage
Q-5: 「病気(ヤマイ)」って、次のどれ? Which is “yamai” in English?
A: Illness B: sick C: Bad health
答えThe Answer:全てAが正解 All As are correct. + Additional Correction: (Q-4は、Bも正解、Q-5は、Cも正解)
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M-PEC講座再開しています! M-PEC Monthly Lesson is Reopened!
2014年度に向けて、11月から月例講座を再開致しました!従来通り、毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室です。次回の講座は、1月11日(土)です。
YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) resumed since November 9th toward the year of 2014; on the 2nd Saturday every month, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL as usual as before. The date of next lesson is January 11th (Sat).
英語学習をたのしみながら、仲間づくりを!:Shall we make new friends by enjoying learning happy English? 過去6年間の記録、理念などをご覧いただけます。You can see or read past record for six years: from the year of 2007 to 2012, the idea, etc by clicking :HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。