
20140124 (Fri)
20140124 (Fri)

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「続・妙高火山の文化史」PR看板を店頭に設置:Set up PR-signboard for “Culture-History of The Volcano of Mt. Myoko: Part-2”





The weather turned out fine in the morning on Friday, January 24th.




The range of Mt. Myoko covered with white snow was shining.




These pictures were shot on the way of walking with Erie.




I saw a banner written “Shimizu Reruhi Takes Part in Olympics!” at the doorway of Arai S/H School.




The PR-signboard of “Culture-History of the Volcano of Mt. Myoko” was set up at the front-door of Shihoya Bookstore the day before, Thursday, January 23rd.




You can take it in your hands to have a good look in our store.



お求めの折は、在庫僅少ですので、お電話下さいませ。(有)志保屋書店のTel: 0255-72-2025です。

As we have only some copies left; when you want to buy it, would you call us? Please give us, Shihoya Bookstore a call at 0255-72-2025.




BTW, when Yoshy visited Mr. Kojima on Tuesday, January 21st, they served me cups of green tea with refreshment, “Kasen-Joki: A Steam Boat on the River”, which is one of famous confections in Niigata City.




Such a river-scene is my favorite. Take a look. I remembered “Put-put Steamboats” I saw when I first went to Tokyo with my father to visit my late uncle in my age of three.







2014年度・新入生募集要項は、HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。




Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、メールでのお問い合わせは、⇒ When you’d like to use email for more information:HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。