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上越よみうり(1月27日(月))の誌面で、CEO、Mr. yasuが「妙高市では(有)志保屋書店で販売中」と書いて下さったお陰で、売り切れました。そこで、小島正巳先生宅へ伺い追加仕入してきました。
Thanks to that Mr. yasu who is CEO of The Joetsu Yomiuri Daily Newspaper Co, Ltd. noticed the introduction of “Culture of The Range of Mt. Myoko Part-2” on Monday, January 27th, they were sold out in our Shihoya Bookstore. So, Yoshy visited the author, Mr. Kojima to keep some more copies.
Mr. yasuのブログ:「軽薄短笑」は、私のブログとリンクしています。
Mr. yasu’s blog, “Keihaku Tansho: Brief Short Interesting Trivia” is linked with mine.
Whenever calling on him and his wife, they serve me famous confection with green tea. This time, “Tenjo Taihu: Big wind in the Sky” sold at a Japanese cake shop, Osugiya Sobei Co, Ltd. was offered to me. It is made from only sticky rice, sugar, miso-paste and starch. This kind of homely sweets fits Ryokan’s atmosphere: his warmth of personality, I think.
「続」の表紙に、西條八十(さいじょうやそ・1892-1970) 作詞の「雪のまぼろし」があります。当時の「雪とスキーとロマンス情緒」が良く分かります。以下途中まで、英訳はヨッシー。
You can see a precious poem written by the late Mr. Saijo Yaso (Lived: 1892-1970) on the cover page of the book; its title is “An Illusion in Snow”; in which, I’m sure, we could imagine “a romantic atmosphere of skiing on the snow” at that time. Yoshy tried to translate it into English on the way to the end.
「西條八十」の解説は、ウイッキペディアを:You can read the profile of “Mr. Saijo Yaso” written in Japanese only at Wikipedia by clicking:HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。
On the snow-slope in Myoko,
He and I were standing together on the top,
We used to schuss down from there.
He was wearing a brisk blue jumper
I was wearing a scarlet beret.
At the moment of starting schussing, I heard his words in my ear,
I heard his passionate whisper; saying that …
“I love you!”
The moment I got a start, he had been already far away,
He was sliding raising lots of snow dust.
Because I’d have liked to listen to his whisper,
I used to slide down the slope with him again and again.
That was my old memory in winter in my age of eighteen, which was gone forever!
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LL Shihoya News 2-3月号は、HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。
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M-PEC講座ご案内! M-PEC Monthly Lesson
毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室です。次回の講座は、2月8日(土)です。
YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) is waiting for anyone who are J/S High School students and adults on the 2nd Saturday every month, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School The date of next lesson is February 8th (Sat).