Miniature Wonderland

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Two German Brothers have put this TRAIN SET together.




These eighteen pictures and their captions were transferred Mr. A living in Italy a couple of years ago. Thanks a lot, the author: Mr. Frederic and Gemit Braun, and Mr. A! The translation into Japanese is Yoshy’s.



これらの全画像は、当分の間、次のサイト「信じられない画像」に保存いたします。All these pictures can be seen for the time being by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。



This is the world's biggest train set. Covers 1,150 square meters / 12,380 square feet…

*Features almost six miles of track and is still not complete…

これは世界一巨大な鉄道模型です。1,150平方メートル (12,380平方フィート)の広さで、…鉄道軌道の総延長がおよそ*6マイルもの外観ですが、まだ完成途上です。

<features:外観、顔立ち (通例複数形)> <1mile ≒ 1.609 km ∴ 6 mile ≒ 9,654 km>



Twin brothers Frederick and Gerrit Braun, 41, began *work on the 'Miniature Wonderland' in 2000. The set covers six regions including America, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Austrian Alps.


<work on~:~に着手する>



The American section *features giant models of the Rocky Mountains, Everglades, Grand-Canyon etc…and Mount Rushmore.





The Swiss section has a mini-Matterhorn.




The Scandinavian part has a *4ft long passenger ship floating in a *‘fjord’.


<1 foot = 12 inches ≒ 30.48 cm / 4ft ≒ 1.22 m> <fjord [fj ɔ́:rd]



It *comprises 700 trains with more than 10,000 *carriages and *wagons. The longest train is 46ft long.


<comprise~:~から構成されている> <carriage:客車> <wagon:貨車>



The scenery includes 900 *signals, 2,800 buildings, 4,000 cars - many with *illuminated headlights...and 160,000 individually designed *figures.


<signal:信号機> <figure:形状、姿、人物> <illuminated~:照明がついた~>



Thousands of kilograms of steel and wood were used to construct the scenery... The 250,000 lights are *rigged up to a system that *mimics night and day by automatically turning them on and off. The whole system is controlled from a *massive high-tech *nerve centre.


<rig up~:~を装備する、取り付ける、着飾る> <mimic~:~を真似る、擬態する>

<massive:大量の、大規模な> Nerve centre:中枢>



In total the set has taken 500,000 hours and more than 8 million euro to *put together, the *vast *majority of which has come from ticket sales.


<put together:企画する、組み立てる> <vast~:広大な、莫大な~> <majority of~:大部分の~>



Gerrit said: "Our idea was to build a world that men, women, and children can be equally astonished and amazed in."




Frederik added: "Whether gambling in Las Vegas, hiking in the Alps or *paddling in *Norwegian fjords - in Wonderland everything is possible."


<paddling:水遊び、ボート遊び> <Norwegian:ノルウェーの>




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