そろそろ雪解け時期かも…Hoping Thawy Days are Coming Soon.
This winter, some parts in Kato-area and Yamanashi prefecture were *inflicted heavy snow damage. They don’t usually have so much snowfall, though.
The picture of Erie’s dog-run was shot on Tuesday, February 18th.
Thursday, 20th, Yoshy found several sparrows on an old cherry tree in front of Kin-ken Center, where LL Shihoya Arai School has used LL Speech Contest, Performing English Play, the events of P-PEC, etc. Are they *heralds of telling coming spring?
Saturday, 22nd, Erie and I enjoyed watching nether world from the top of *piled snow-hill on the south side of Kin-ken Center.
In the afternoon of the day, Mr. Taiko Hayama who has been one of my best respected teachers for over 30 years unexpectedly called me to tell his *congratulatory message of my sixty-fourth birthday instead of his direct-writing letter.
He had a severe attach of sickness in 2005, continuing presenting me his letters left-hand written every year since then, too. I knew his *non-dominant hand hadn’t been able to use well; maybe he did his best for using telephone … I am *extremely honored and have *super-cordial gratitude to him.
<non-dominant hand:利き手でない手> <extremely:極めて>
<cordial gratitude to~:~への心からの感謝>
「羽山泰弘 (はやまたいこう)」で検索なさってみてください。あなたにも、ご縁があります事を!
Why don’t you search the word of “Hayama Taiko” on the internet? Wishing you to get a happy connection with him!
I found his words through Mr. Sakamoto (a political representative)’s blog open to the public. Let me quote his words from it, please.
“Even twisted grown mugwort stands straight among hemp plants.” (Yoshy’s translation)
上記引用させていただいた坂本祐之輔代議士先生の公開ブログに羽山先生(写真中央)が紹介されています。You can read brief information about Mr. Hayama in Mr. Yunosuke Sakamoto (a political representative)’s blog open to the public by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
2012年1-2月の豪雪写真は:You can see the pictures of heavy snow in January and February, 2012 by clicking: HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。