The 40th LL English Lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School starts on Monday, April 7th.
Yoshy is looking forward to your call for an appointment of Trial Lesson. Thank you.
Mars Sunrise:火星の日の出
Desire is “a double-sword”, I think. Anybody can’t live without making trouble to other people, as long as we are alive.
Yoshy enjoyed watching a commercial TV program, “Miyamoto Musashi” on Sunday, March 16th. A Zen-priest, Takuan explained Matahachi “the solution about this big contradiction” by showing spreading a folding fan. On the other hand, the author, Mr. Yoshikawa Eiji did Musashi by “a circle”.
When Musashi was standing rooted on the ground wondering whether he should kill the infant Head of Yoshioka Swordsman-ship School or not, Takuan drew a circle on the ground around Musashi. … After a while Musashi felt him smaller and smaller, realizing he was just a particle in endless universe.
The original sender’s 18 pictures and message below were transferred to Yoshy from Ms. A, a high school English teacher in Malaysia. Thank you very much! She is one of my old friends. Let me show you several pictures from them here.
“You've Never Seen a Sunrise Like This.”
No matter where you've been in this world, you've never seen a sunrise like this, because it is not OF this world.
画像数枚の保存先は、You can see several pictures by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
LLシホヤ新井教室・募集要項など」 ごあんない
2014年度・新入生募集要項は、HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、メールでのお問い合わせは、⇒ When you’d like to use email for more information:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
M-PEC「月例講座予告」(講座の1週間前までにブログや下記のサイトで)、活動過去記録等のご紹介は、You can see “Advance Billing of YEA : Yoshy’s English Activity, Record of “M-PEC” (Advance Billing is going to be written at both Blog and the site below.), etc: by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
次回の講座は、4月12日(土)です。YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) is waiting for anyone who is J/S High School students and adults on the 2nd Saturday every month, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School. Next lesson is April 12th (Sat).
初めての方大歓迎!年会費は徴収していません。資料代の500円のみ。ご出席者様は、資料作成のため、その週の(木)までにメールでご連絡下さいませ:Yoshy asks those who will attend YEA to e-mail to me:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。