The 40th LL English Lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School starts on Monday, April 7th.
Yoshy is looking forward to your call for an appointment of Trial Lesson. Thank you.
Take a Step Back to Really Appreciate These...
The original sender’s 15 pictures were shot from two different angles and the message below was transferred to Yoshy from Ms. A, a high school English teacher in Malaysia. Thank you very much! She is one of my old friends.
Sometimes there are some students who easily give up translating his/her unknown English words, saying to Yoshy, “I can’t say because I don’t know so many vocabularies.” E.g. I remember “a portable shrine”, “unpolished rice” and so on. Why don’t you step back before consulting Japanese-English dictionaries? I sometimes give them a hint, which is “to make it into a habit to try to think its essence from different angles.”
≪原作者の言葉:The Original Sender’s Words≫ 和訳はヨッシー:Translated into Japanese by Yoshy
Sometimes you really have to take a step back to understand a place. These famous places all have familiar photos of them taken close up, but when we zoom out, we learn so much more about them and their environment, which at times can be quite surprising. Here are 15 famous sites before and after zooming out to show their environment.
1. “The Great Pyramids of Giza” in The Arab Republic of Egypt
「ギザのピラミッド」in エジプト・アラブ共和国
2. “Stonehenge” at England in UK (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
「ストーンヘンジ」 at イングランド・カントリー in イギリス (グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)
3. “Taj Mahal” in Republic of Indea
「タージ・マハル」in インド共和国
4. “The Brandenburg Gate” in The Federal Republic of Germany
「ブランデンブルグ門」in ドイツ連邦共和国
5. “Sagrada Familia” at Granada in Kingdom of Spain
「サグラダ・ファミリア教会」at グラナダ in スペイン王国
6. “Niagara Falls” at Border of Province of Ontario, Canada & State of New York, U.S.A.
「ナイアガラの滝」 at カナダ、オンタリオ州とアメリカ合衆国、ニューヨーク州の境界
7. “The Acropolis” at Athens in Greece: (The Hellenic Republic)
「アクロポリス」at アテネ in ギリシャ共和国 (正式名称)
8. “Mount Rushmore” in State of South Dakota, U.S.A.
Sculptures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln (left to right)
「ラシュモア山」in アメリカ合衆国、サウスダコタ州
(左から:ジョージ・ワシントン = 初代大統領、トマスジェファーソン = 第3代、テオドア・ルーズベルト = 第26代、エイブラハム・リンカーン = 第16代)
9. “The Forbidden City” at Beijing in The People’s Republic of China
「紫禁城(しきんじょう)」at 北京 in 中華人民共和国
10. “Hollywood” at State of Los Angeles, U.S.A.
「ハリウッド」in アメリカ合衆国、ロサンゼルス州
11. “Santorini” at South Aegean in Greece: (The Hellenic Republic)
「サントリーニ島」at 南エーゲ海 in ギリシャ共和国 (正式名称)
12. “Mona Lisa” at Louvre Museum, The French Republic
「モナリザ」at ルーブル美術館 in フランス共和国
13. “Central Park”, at New York City, U.S.A.
「セントラルパーク」at ニューヨーク市in アメリカ合衆国
14. “The Arc de Triomphe” (The Arch of Triumph) at Paris in The French Republic
「凱旋門(がいせんもん)」at パリ in フランス共和国
15. Little Mermaid at Copenhagen, The Kingdom of Denmark
「人魚姫」at コペンハーゲン in デンマーク王国
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